The ride had been for the most part silent, on John's end at least. Enjoying the quiet and the sound of the engine revving after every stop sign or red light. However, his mind had only used the sounds as a form of faux peace. It wasn't just his son's grave but his wife's as well. Usually Aeron would be the one to drive, or her driver or even Kalmar, but all three were busy and he wasn't about to ask Ylva to drive and he had two reasons. First and foremost it was his pride and joy. Sure he chose to drive but he hadn't taken the car for a spin in a while. The second was she was a guest and wasn't about to have a guest drive him around. [color=black]"We're here..."[/color] he said quietly as his car idled at the gate. John simply held the brake and stared into the cemetery. He hated this place and many would agree. Sure visiting was a way to respect the dead and those loved ones who had passed but for John it was more of the sometimes it brought. He still had not been able to accept what had happened to his family in less than a year of each other. His grip on the wheel tighened as could be slightly heard from the leather grip on the handle twisting. [color=39e600]"Do you need me to leave you alone a moment?"[/color] she asked, though she really had no want to just leave him with his emotions, [color=39e600]"Aeron seems to already be here and judging by the movement in the vehicle someone else is with her as well. I can go check with her real quick and bring her over here to give you some time."[/color] He shook his head and loosened up, turning to her with a smile. [color=black]"No no It's fine."[/color] He swallowed and went to press the gas but- He sighed. [color=black]"Go get her please?"[/color] John nearly whispered. He sat there in the car quietly and waited as Ylva went to go see Aeron. Ylva nodded her head before leaning forward and placing a kiss on John's cheek before getting out of the car to get Aeron. Once over at the SUV, she gave a solid knock on the window and waited as Aeron simply opened the door. [color=00aeef]"Oh hey Ylva... I uh... have a couple [i]unexpected[/i] visitors. Twombly snuck into my car and Luciel here... well he needed some help so I picked him up."[/color] Ylva raised an eyebrow and glanced at the jackalope, [color=39e600]"That's the antler'd rabbit that works at the bar... I thought his name was Ansel?"[/color] the she-wolf said, clearly puzzled. [color=00aeef]"One and the same, long story, we can explain that later... for now we have a Big Bad Wolf who needs some support,"[/color] the Jackal said calmly, [color=00aeef]"You coming Twombly or are you going to keep Luciel here some company?"[/color] [color=ed145b]"Um.... Yeah... I think I'll do my best to [i]avoid[/i] another confrontation with John, today."[/color] Twombly answered, just as he finished brushing-down the jackalope's fur. [color=ed145b]"He's probably still sore about what I did to Cujo."[/color] He reasoned, while he returned the brush back into the console before admitting how he felt about John being present, [color=ed145b]" I mean, I could, but... never figured you and John had a kid together."[/color] Aeron nearly choked on nothing when Twombly stated that he thought the kid she was visiting had been one between her and John. [color=00aeef]"Wha-? Me? John? Nooooooooooooooooooo... no no no nononononononononono nooooooooooooooooo,"[/color] she said, waving her hands in front of her a bit in a motion that said that there was no way that could have happened. [color=00aeef]"I have never had a pup."[/color] At this point her cheeks were the brightest red anyone had ever seen on her before she practically flung herself out of the vehicle after grabbing the flowers she had bought. [color=39e600]"Hey look Twombly, you mortified your girlfriend,"[/color] Ylva said with a smile before following Aeron back to John's car where the other woman was asking him if he was ready. John looked onward as he watched the conversation between Ylva and Aeron and then his ears folding downward as they approached. He looked up to the two with a light smile that faded quickly. [color=black]"Hey...Thanks again for coming Aeron. You have no idea what this means to me."[/color] His voice was soft and held a light somberness to it. She knew he had this problem. Every year they went he needed help to get past the gate because he refused to believe it or at least he didn't want to but with Aeron he always found it easier to do so. She knew the family and how they were. John was also alot more pleasant and tamed then. His laughs and smiles weren't filled with faux happiness and joy but rather the genuine feeling. It wasn't until after those to passed did his demeanor change and Aeron learned that the social butterfly became nothing more than a front for who everyone called the Big Bad Wolf. It was only on this year did he show his true side. A very emotionally disdraught, scared man who had not come to terms with his wife and son's untimely deaths. A man who was filled with anger, sadness and regret. [i]'What could have I done different? What if I was there? What if it was me?'[/i] cliche as these questions were they were what ran through his head on a daily basis but only today could he be himself. [color=00aeef]"Always,"[/color] she said with a smile on her face as she rested a hand on the male's shoulder while Ylva took the Male's other hand, [color=00aeef]"And look, you have two people with you here today, twice the support."[/color] She smiled up at him just as Ylva gave his hand a squeeze before the two females led him past the gates he had such a hard time moving past. Aeron knew he would be a mess for the next few hours, but she felt like it was good for him, like allowing himself to grieve properly would bring him that much closer to coming to terms with what had happened all those years ago. With the help of both Aeron and Ylva, he managed to make it to both Sarah's and Nathaniel gravestone. Behind stoic features, he tightened his jaw as he approached the site, his hands slowly starting to shake. It was beautifully maintained. It's marble tombstone was clean and clear of dirt. A small wreath accented it as well as a picture of each held firm by picks in the ground and now Aeron was adding more to his family's headstone. He stood there in silence as he looked a the spot and took it in. [color=black]"Hey Sarah...Hope you been doing well. Has Nathan created any knew models up there? I would hope so. He always liked those things. I have Aeron and Ylva with me this time. Aeron has been a great friend. I'm glad you two got along."[/color] He smiled lightly as he stared at her picture. After he talked a bit more he glanced over at Nathan's picture. His shaking slowly increased as his voice lighted [color=black]"Nate. How you been lil pup. I've kept your models on a shelf in the living room. They still look great. You really were like me. It's, uhhh, its been tough without you buddy."[/color] His eyes started to burn as water slowly welled up. [color=black]"It's been tough without the both of you..."[/color] It didn't take long for him to break. He shakily sat down in front of their resting place and broke down crying, mumbling about how it should have been him and how the last words to his son weren't goodbye or I love you. The wolf was a wreck and had these emotions pent up for most of the year. Ylva did not say a thing, rather, she simply wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug, something Aeron normally did but the Jackal felt would be more appropriate if the female he was... wooing?... did instead. Kneeling down, Aeron set down the flowers she had gotten and began to set them up in the usual wreath she liked to set down. It kept her hands busy while John wrestled with his demons during their visit when she wasn't sure what exactly to do. [color=39e600]"You know... its ok to let this out more than once a year,"[/color] Ylva muttered as she gently rubbed one of his ears, [color=39r600]"It is not a bad thing to do, you know... and I'm sure whoever you are with would understand."[/color] Some time had gone by and Ylva's warmth helped give him a bit of closure as he knelt by his family's tomb. Her words sunk in and he simply nodded, slowly making his way to his feet. Regaining his composure, he wiped his eyes and side with a trembling breath. [color=black]"I do...Every assignment."[/color] His eyes gaining a light glaze over them. He looked over to Ylva with a forced smile. [color=black]"Thank you..."[/color] Another sigh before adjusting his suit and turning toward the car near the gate to the cemetary. He had started making his way to it until his phone rung. The wolf opened it to see who the caller was and gave a puzzled look but answered. "Yo.." [color=black]"Kalmar. What's up?"[/color] John pulled the phone away from his face slightly to let out another trembling breath. "Hey just checking on ya buddy. I'm sorry I couldn't make it this time around. Got caught up in some business... Stop moving or your gonna make it worse for yourselve!" A muffled string of curses came from the background on Kalmar's side. [color=black]"It's fine. So what's up."[/color] He cleared his throat. "Well I'll say the person you sent was a rather interesting character." John cocked a brow. [color=black]"What are yo - oh right the meeting. Heh, forgot that was a thing."[/color] "Don't sweat it John. I was actually calling you about how it went." John nodded subconsiously. "Well, strangely enough it went by smoothly though I would highly suggest that you don't do it again. Practically was on the verge of pissing off the cat." The wolf scoffed and shook his head. [color=black]"I don't give a damn about that feline fuck honestly. As long as all the info was passed on that's all that matters."[/color] "Well...Tell Ansel I hope he's alright." [color=black]"Who? Did you just say Ansel? And what do you mean tell him alright? How do you know him? Kait didn't show up?"[color] John bombarded Kalmar with questions as he now paced back and forth, running a hand through his fur. "Whoa whoa whao slow down John. Yeah I said Ansel and he got pretty fucked up earlier. Saw him wit-" [color=black]"HOW DO YOU KNOW HIM!?"[/color] He roard, Kalmar more than likely pulling his phone away from his ear. "He's not the one that you sent but instead this Mrs. Kait?" Earning an irritated "Yup" in response. "John...Dude that's some serious shit. You knew it was bad enough having someone go in your place but this someone wasn't even the someone you vouched for? John buddy, IIIIIII...Dude I gotta tell him." [color=black]"No. Fuck him I'll handle this myself! I gotta find out if she's even alright. If there is even one scratch on her he's done! I'll fucking make sure he's placed on a fucking Rueben and served with a side of GODDAMN FRIES! He's fucked!"[/color] [i]click[/i] John stood there silently for a moment before chucking his phone to the ground followed by a string of swears. He shot a look over to Ylva and smiled. [color=black]"Ylva wanna do a job with me? Afterwards while go get a nice meal from Smiley's. He has great food. Also I'll pay you when we're done. Quite handsomely too. Then we'll do whatever you want to do. Ylva was frowning the entire time he was on the phone and Aeron was trying her best not to laugh as she had a basic idea of what was going on, mostly because she could hear what was going on on the other line. [color=00aeef]"Ansel is fine, so is Kaite incase you were wondering,"[/color] she said, [color=00aeef]"Actually, they are in my car right now, but I would say... take care of your job first and then we can give you a nice little shock later."[/color] Ylva raised her eyebrows, wondering if it had anything to do with the jackalope that she had seen in her boss's vehicle. [color=39e600]"Oh... do you mean-"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Yes, That is exactly who I mean, now don't worry about it right now and go have some fun with John. I'll take care of everything else and I'll meet you guys back at the mansion when ya'll are done with your date, how does that sound?"[/color] Ylva nodded her head and took John by the arm to steer him towards his car, [color=39e600]"Lets go do whatever it is you need to do, but I don't recommend hurting anyone you may have tried to send in your place, it wouldn't end very well I am sure."[/color] John eyes widened as he looked to the car, hoping that staring at the thing long enough would give him super vision. [color=black]"Ansel! Get your ass out here, now! Kait I need to talk to you!"[/color] He started to move towards the car against Ylva's resistance, going for his holstered gun but before he had a chance he felt a sharp pain along his lower back and a hand grip around the back of his collar. [color=black]"Ylva-ack Let go of meeeeeEEEE! My tail! Ge-Getoff my tail! OW! What the hell! Ylva STOP!"[/color] Sadly his pleas fell on deaf ears as she practically dragged him away from Aeron's car. If there ever was a time to see the Big Bad Wolf lose his cool composure, it was now. It was only after a minute did he fianlly give up and just started walking with Ylva, though, her grip refusing to yield. He would however keep glancing back until he made it to his own car. [color=39e600]"You can talk to them later, we have things we need to take care of first,"[/color] she said calmly as the two walked, and eventually climbed into, his car, [color=39e600]"Now, what exactly is this job that you were talking about having me help you with and are Nina and Sypher good enough or do I need Sasha as well? We can always swing by my place to go get her."[/color] He rolled his eyes as he let his hand smack the steering wheel, gesturing then to Aeron's car. [color=black]"The mission is up [i]there[/i]. I need to get info- nevermind. There's something else we can do and id defintely have sasha available. We'll stop back at the Hole to pick up some things from my room. You're welcome to come inside as well."[/color] He sighed in irritation as he rolled back and stopped for a second, lookinng toward the grave one last time before fully returning to the road that would lead them back to the hole