One thing that annoys me is when an RP is just full of supermodel level, perfectly flawless, characters - especially in "realistic" roleplays. Diversity? Realism? Nope! Just make the thirtieth uber-hot character in the same roleplay! It's annoying levels of escapism, and it's honestly what keeps me away from certain RPs sometimes. I roleplay to create interesting stories, not beauty-pageants. lol Don't get me wrong, it's [i]okay[/i] to have a hot character. It's fine when it isn't their only character trait, and there's some diversity. I make some "hot" characters - though I normally just leave it up to interpretation of the reader tbh because the idea of "handsome/pretty" changes from person to person - if it works with their character (Such as a seductress/assassin/spy I'm running in an RP of my own who uses her attractiveness to sway people to do what she wants). But, I certainly give them flaws.