....Drumroll.... [img]https://i.gyazo.com/46907039aaae819b52bb937ef57b6d68.png[/img] you get both! no corruption for you, [s]goshdarnit[/s] i mean... congratulations :P You gain an [b]Artefact of Diamonds[/b] and an [b]Artefact of Spades.[/b] [center][color=#9200B4][b]Artefact of Diamonds:[/b][/color] [i]"You hold in your hands a mysterious, delicate flower. Each petal is crystalline, in pearly whites and creams and soft colours. You think it delicate to the touch - but it is cold as ice and hard as stone.[/i] Any more information requires further investigation.[/center] [b]Current Name:[/b] Crystalline Flower? [b]Currently:[/b] Dormant? [center][color=#1a8fe3][b]Artefact of Spades:[/b][/color] [i]"A small brown pouch is handed to you. It seems relatively uninteresting, a patch-up job, old as the mountains and extremely well used. You put it away and forget about it instantly... till you find it again later. How could it have slipped your mind so quickly? [/i] Any more information requires further investigation.[/center] [b]Current Name:[/b] Brown Pouch... [b]Currently:[/b] Dormant? As for your cash prize, I'm going to run some tests tommorrow! Once I work out the average, I'll readjust the prices to suit a 12d12 system, rather then a 6d6 one :D