[@liferusher] [center][h2][color=dbbc57]Daisuke[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/pRZtNjz.png[/img][/center] With the bags in hand, Daisuke followed Yoshinobu happily. Something familiar was happening... the joy of helping others. As they walked along the street, Daisuke looked around at the signs on the market stands and the street sides, and the posters on the walls, and tried to make out what they said, but the symbols made no sense to him, they are nothing like what he is used to seeing. Its funny how he can speak the same language of the people from here, but not be able to read it. Hopefully it isn't hard to learn, or he might have some struggles in the future. He looked in the bags he was carrying and saw lots of ingredients for cooking, fruit and vegetables like apples and carrots, and spices. He began to wonder what Yoshinobu was making for dinner that day. After thinking about dinner, he realized how hungry he was getting, with his stomach audibly rumbling. [color=dbbc57]"Ah! Apples! I love apples, I'm glad to see I wont be missing them from home."[/color] he said, letting out a chuckle. He's surprised to see the same fruits and vegetables from his own world, he thought that this world would have some bizarre looking fruits and vegetables, but they all looked completely normal. Peppers, carrots, blueberries, all the exact same. They walked passed some guys in white robes with red linings talking to some people on the street. They had sheathed swords, and looked pretty important. [color=dbbc57]"Hey, Yoshinobu, who are those guys over there?"[/color] Daisuke asked, pointing at them with a curious look on his face.