A burly man stood behind the counter of the Inn in the common room, idly cleaning a glass that seemed a bit too stained to ever be fully spotless. He had a few missing teeth and a hard look to his iron eyes. A barrel chest was covered by stained shirt and roughly sewed apron. "What can I get ya?" he asked, giving Cerdic nothing but a glance as the warrior sat down in front of him. He gave a second glance to Cerdic's sword. "I'm new to Nuln. Looking for work." Cerdic said, cutting to the chase without any horseshit. He hoped this man's gruff demeanor meant he felt the same way about standing on ceremony as Cerdic did. "You and half the city, stranger. Beastmen getting riled up apparently. Sent half the countryside inside the walls. Now people don't need top worry about a Beast's axe. Just starvation, disease, and the rising crime rate." he let out a hacking chuckle. "I doubt half the city are newly retired Sergeants in the Imperial army of Reikland." The scarred man said a bit curtly, drawing the Barkeep's gaze up. He chewed on something in his mouth, then looked passed Cerdic to Hilde and Isolde. "Them two with you?" he asked. "They're not for sale if that's what you're asking." His conversation partner shook his head. "I s'pose I could use a good bouncer. The one I have now is a bit of a cheatin' sort. You'd only need to work most nights since this place is respectable...for the most part. But, I assume you and your feminine friends want room and board, eh? Might be fine if they're both bunking with you, but if not...we only got one room. And you'll need to prove to me your worth it in the first place. Of course-" "Do I get free drinks if I get the job?" Cerdic asked, his gaze locked on the barkeep. The man nodded. "How's about we trade that. I have to pay for drinks, and you make another room half off. My pay will settle the difference. I'd think I'd still have a bit of crowns left to use, even then." The barkeep snorted. "Not much, but aye you'd have a bit." This was looking to be something they could use for now. "Of course I'll be looking for others jobs while I'm here, working at odd hours. Won't mess with my contract with you, however." The man snorted. "There's plenty of folk comin' in here needing someone for something. You wouldn't need to wait long. Then again, this is all fine but you haven't convinced me that you're worth it." "And how do I do that?" Cerdic asked. The Barkeep pointed at a large Hochland man laughing, spittle flying as he played cards. A busty barmaid on his knee, squealing. The Barkeep let out a grunt. "Kick his ass, and you're on the payroll. Then I'll think you're worth me telling you my name." [@Austronaut]