Ferrer entered the examination room quietly, his face very guarded. He looked over the now awakened individuals, and heaved a sigh, his expression relaxing somewhat. He burped into his hand, having wolfed down the steak Cas had given him. 'Excuse me.' He spoke softly, not wanting to interrupt the conversation now taking place. He looked over the newcomers once more, taking note of their body language, their reactions to his entrance, and the ambient energies around each. He understood many of the emotions going through them, having experienced a lot of his own emotional turmoil throughout his lifetime on this planet, and more specifically this island. His roving eye fell particularly hard on the pair of women who were somewhat entangled. Their energies had touched before, Ferrer could have seen the bond if they were sitting on opposite sides of the room. He chuckled softly. Their being together would hopefully help with their settling in. If, on the other hand they made trouble together...Ferrer looked a little deeper. After a moment, he concluded that he should be able to handle it. He took a seat, still mostly silent.