In the bustling streets of the mid-festival town, Malika paused a moment to shift the straps of her pack and rub her sore shoulders. She had thought about paying for a room so that she could leave her things there while she enjoyed the celebrations, but a quick tally of the coins in her purse dissuaded her from that notion. For that matter, if she was going to be staying here while she learned more about Thassilon, she was going to need to find some way to pay for day to day necessities. Shrugging and resettling the bag on her back, she pressed on towards the town square with her spear in hand, supporting her weight as a walking stave. Now was not the time for over thinking matters, it was a festival to the Great Dreamer. It was alright to just follow her ambitions and figure out the 'hows' as she went. In the meanwhile, it was time for some fun!