[center][img]https://em.wattpad.com/9e524ca1e221c839f8ef7ab9fdd86462315d5734/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f443835445659482e6a7067[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Sophie%20Blackthorn%20&name=Art%20Brewery.ttf&size=100&style_color=00A6FF[/img] [color=00aeef][b] Location:[/b][/color] Sophie's house then the party [color=00aeef][b] Interacting with:[/b][/color] NPC (nobody yet ;) *winking intensifies*)[/center][hr][hr] How could one properly describe Sophie's first week of school? Well if one were to really think about it, no description could truly do justice for what drama had already occurred, but it was to be expected, this is Beverly Hills after all. Overall, the whole week was one big blur to Sophie. She remembered the little club-fair on the first day of school that was supposed to "encourage" students of all social class to intermingle and go outside their comfort zone. Of course, Sophie knew that was not going to happen. She knew that something like a Jock becoming friends with someone of a lower social class was almost as bad, if not worse, than a guy getting his girlfriend pregnant. In short, it the chances of the fair actually working how the teachers panned out, is practically nonexistent. Aside from that, it was just another school year for Sophie; avoiding just about everyone except the teachers and focusing on her school work. That is, until she suddenly received a text message about some sort of party going on at some private beach. Sophie had looked over the text and figured it was some sort of mistake (though she was curious as to how someone got her phone number without her knowing). She was about to delete the text and go about her merry way, when her mother had snuck up behind her and saw the text message. Her mother practically dragged her to the party by her ankles, telling Sophie how this was her senior year and how she should have some fun and make some friends before the year was over. Of course, Sophie knew better. She knew this wasn't going to be some sort of little get together or tea party. This was going to be a bunch of horny, drunk teenagers grinding on each other or trying to get it on. The thought of it made Sophie cringe with disgust. Now Sophie found herself at the outer most edge of the party. The music was blaring, kids were drunk and grinding, and she was pretty sure she saw a couple swim suits and underwear littered on the sand or hanging on a rock or tree. It was everything Sophie knew it would be and it disgusted her. She was leaning her back against a tree and was covered in the darkness of night; nobody would even notice her and if they did... well no guy would try to hit on a girl wearing a lose, long, plain grey T-shirt, black jeggings, and black converse sneakers, whether they were drunk or sober; not at a beach party, at least. Aside from her lack of sexy appearance, she wore an expression of true disgust and unamusement with her hands covering her ears. It was clear that she was not having fun or enjoying the party in the slightest. [color=00aeef][i]"god I wish I had deleted that text sooner."[/i][/color]