[center][h2][color=f9ad81]Aya[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/e1Hry5o.png[/img] [@Rune_Alchemist][/center] The fox didn't look to pleased with Aya acting like that but she took it as an okay due to that they finally got somewhere. Hopefully she was done with this fox soon or it might get to be her death. It looked like she was gonna grab her hand sometime soon but Aya gave the fox a denying glare. It didn't appear that she wanted to be friendsies with the fox right now. Soon after the small incident they started moving through the streets. The sight was pretty incredible, in the distance you could see some of the more important buildings of the city. They were build more steadily and looked better then most of the buildings they were walking across now. Definitely a lot of work had been put into it. Aya followed the fox's swinging tail that was glued stuck on her butt or something. It bothered her slightly that these people all looked like part animal for the most part. Not everyone, there were also humans that appeared normal at first but likely had some crazy mutation about them too. A weird world definitly. What annoyed her more though was the sharp sun. It was piercing her eyes out. With a slight squint she could manage it for now but it was definitly a bother none the less. From her knowledge she had ended up in a sort of medieval fantasy world from a book or game. Despites being a fantasy world with many different kind of species there were still the same kind of food and material. Aya her sight was focused on the tail but occasionally she would glare at others that were looking at her. They didn't seem to be at least a little intimidated by the small girl what was of course to be suspected. Luckily the people were smart enough not to pick a fight with her or else they might have gotten in a lot of trouble and not by the girl but by the many guards patrolling. She was lucky enough the fox was walking in front of her or else she might have had a hard time navigating through all the people without needing to squirm through. After a short walk they arrived at the Crescent moon tavern. It wasn't spectacular but it still appeared to be in good shape on the outside at least. The fox welcomed her to the tavern in which Aya gave a grumpy stare. The fox was to hyped about this really. She even kind of forced her into the tavern. From her knowledge it was like a hotel but smaller and half bar. The fox looked desperate the second she tried to enter. She had tripped over the doorstep and fell down in the door opening blocking the whole entrance. Aya gave another heavy sigh and walked in after her. She placed her foot onto the back of Tsuiho to use her as red carpet of the tavern. [center][color=f7976a]"Don't dare to look up."[/color][/center] Aya gave a warning before she stepped further from the fox her back into the tavern. There were plenty of knives around most likely so she had a reason to warn her. The smell of alcohol filled her nostrils making her stumble back for a moment. Did alcohol always smell this strong? Aya glanced around the bar area of the tavern but could spot nobody indicating that there were likely no customers. Aya looked up at the ceiling hearing a few sounds coming from up above. [center][color=f7976a]"Two people on the roof both men."[/color][/center] Aya turned towards the fox again. It was clear she tripped a lot. That may have explained the roof incident. [center][color=f7976a]"You look pretty pathetic right now by the way."[/color][/center] [center][h2][color=f6989d]Hamaguchi[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OmHzsIt.png[/img] [@Skepic][/center] [center][color=f6989d]"Really?! Yaaaay!"[/color][/center] Her cheer had gotten the attention of the other around her a little making a few of them redirect their gaze to the strange army girl for a short while. It didn't seem like they wanted to have anything to do with her though. Hamaguchi smiled even brighter at the girl now knowing she would get to be trying out that metal thing on her head soonish. It made her kind of curious what sort of equipment was stored behind it all. Addison was good in doing medicine? She hadn't really expected that from a girl looking like that. Most herbalist would look like breakable princesses that gathered weeds all day. Addison looked like a hunter to be honest. Perhaps that expression just was from the clothes she wore. Medicine had use in this world though, they could cure a few things more that magic couldn't. Illness was hard to stride with magic and more easily with care and medicine. Not everyone had magic anyway and they could have medicine in that stead so Hamaguchi felt it would be alright with jobs for this girl if she was any good at it. [center][color=f6989d]"There are some herbalists around, only rich people go to them mostly though."[/color][/center] Hamaguchi grabbed her hand but was almost instantly halted almost falling on the spot. Hamaguchi curiously turned around to see what stopped them. Her tail stood upright as her eyes widened. Was it this obvious? [center][color=f6989d]"Nyo, no, no, I never said a word like that did I? That would be incident for a girl of such a high caliber."[/color][/center] Hamaguchi stood somewhat proud in her own footsteps for claiming herself to be so high and might as she clearly wasn't. Hamaguchi leaded them once more through the crowd of people. It took her only a few minutes for her to get to one of the market stands. She stopped in front of the stand and turned to Addison. She poked out her hand at the various amount of different raw foods. The stand was filled with ripe fruits and vegetables, it also contained a few different kind of meats and fishes but they had to be prepared before eaten for most people. [center][color=f6989d]"Chose whichever you like nyha, nyha, nyha."[/color][/center] Still standing somewhat proud in her shoes she spoke to Addison clearly not noticing she had been speaking indecent for a girl of her 'caliber'. The man standing at the shop was ready to help Addison anytime and open for questions (Hamada) [center][h2][color=6ecff6]Yoshinobu[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5apWKz4.png[/img] [@Soragoku][/center] [center][color=6ecff6]"Apples? What is that?"[/color][/center] Yoshinobu looked a little confused at him when he mentioned it. She didn't really understand but perhaps it was some sort of strange or foreign item? They sounded somewhat familiar but couldn't say what it was exactly. It was somewhere nearby probably since he mentioned it so she carefully looked around the area while walking. He really was a strange boy, first calling out some random name and saying that he loves that thing and now not even knowing what the kingdom knights were. Yoshinobu looked at the knights for only a few seconds but turned her sight back to the road again. Her mouth opened slightly before she explained the boy. [center][color=6ecff6]"They are the knights of the kingdom. They protect the kingdom from any kind of evil. I hope that explains it good enough. Looks like some kind of theft. Better not to get involved with it."[/color][/center] It was getting quite quiet between the two so Yoshino tried to bring up some kind of topic to not make her seem boring and all in front of the boy. [center][color=6ecff6]"Is your home much different than our city?"[/color][/center]