[center][b]Name of Nation: Innerzik[/b][/center] [center]Banner/Flag: A white background with a single black diamond Type of Government: militant state undergoing martial law after recent military coup Leader(s): -[hider=Peter Marshall] [/hider] -[hider=Plash Shree] The first Muni to communicate with humans, and the first to be taken. Plash Shree was the usual leader of a local hunt back on Pax-Ra but quickly became the first Muni to experience war and death without cause. [/hider] -[hider=Pon Shen] An abductee during the human abductions of the Muni. He was thrust into the military and became a squad leader of landing parties. After a begrudgingly successful military career and many victories he rose in ranks to the highest point allowed for the Muni. During the military uprising and coup he was put in charge of a large portion of the military by Peter Marshal and helped score the ultimate victory in overthrowing the government. While he has little idea of what to do with the domestic issues of the outworld Muni or compatibility with the existing humans, he has a strict foreign policy and is one of the biggest leaders of Pabara, to the point of criticized radicalism and fanaticism. Despite these ideological backlashes, he is one of the most competent military leaders for the Muni and now holds a high ranking position next to Peter Marshal and Plash Shree in the military council that lead the coup. [/hider] -[hider=Pul Reese (Pull Rease)] A member of Plash Shree’s hunting party and present in Plash’s recruitment party, Pul quickly defected, stealing a junker fighter ship and heading to the closest moon. Quickly Pul realized his innate piloting ability and love for mechanics. To fuel his new found love for tweaking and tinkering he turned to piracy, took up smoking (which ended up feeling great on his lungs due to their natural filter) and ended up racking up infamy with his bizarre piloting tactics. After success after success, Pul managed to invent himself a gas generator capable of generating the smog of Pax-Ra. He used this generator to terraform himself a small home, allowing him to breath comfortably, and then decided to use it as a weapon. From creating tick like drones that injected the gas into the hulls of ships, hand tossed gas grenades, to ramming his fighters through the hulls while generating gas, Pul used his generators in every way imaginable, giving himself the advantage in every fight through the opaque and toxin filled gas. Eventually he was found out by Plash Shree, and soon his technology was adopted by the outworld Muni military, as a tool to adapt Pul’s own techniques into their fighting as well as mass terraforming new homes for the growing outworld population. For this, Pul was pardoned by Plash. Pul stuck around to gain a cult status among the human-outworld Muni nation of Innerzik, but then slipped back into the cracks, got involved in growing low class outworld Muni Gangs, fought for Muni equality, and found out his love for the 20th century after being trapped in a shipwreck of a ship he stole from a big fan of Manfred Man and other rock bands of the time. After the military coup and mass terraforming and equality liberation of the Muni in Innerzik, Pul took to figuring out where he could help the standing of his fellow outworld Muni in the strange way he does, feeling an odd partnership as their poster boy, and original outsider. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43vOAw2sAFU]Oh that Pul Reese is at it again[/url] [/hider] [u]Persons of Importance: [/u] -Peter Marshall -Plash Shree -Pul Reese -Terra Hilman -Pon Shen [/center] [hider=Species(s) and Demographics:] Muni (look under culture): 60% Humans (look in mirror): 40% [/hider] [hider=Religion Description and Demographics] Pababa(look under culture, after contact): 63% Muni 10%human Pabara(look under culture, after contact): 31% Muni 22% human Assorted Human Religions: 6% Muni 68% human [/hider] [hider=Culture:] [hider=A look at the Humans of Innerzik] In recent years the Humans of Innerzik have been out-populated by the quickly growing rate of outworld Muni and despite this until very recently the Humans were held much higher in regards than the Muni; this segregation was one of the many fuels used by the combined militaries of human and Muni to overthrow the government in one drastic coup. The humans hold the original Innerzik culture, as it only changed after the introduction of the Muni. [/hider] [hider=A look at the Muni (pre Human Contact; forty years ago)] Race Biology: The Muni are human like in stance, anatomy(two legs, two arms, hands) and posture, but tend to be lean (with exception of course). Their bodies are bare and wrapped in milky white, soft skin able to feel heat differences in immediate areas with sensitive black whiskers jutting from their joints, down their back and neck, and behind their ears, females are the only gender able to grow hair elsewhere, on their heads like an average human, so young Muni might cling onto them during long treks or even hunts. Their eyes are like dark polished jet that reflect aggressively when light is shined upon them. A Munus’ teeth are numerous with long sharp front teeth, perfect to ripping and grabbing, while the back are sharp as well but much more for sinking into food and working already bitten off bits of food, this of course reflects a once very aggressive appetite, ironic to the graceful Muni’s peaceful, passive nature. Their native lands are thick with smog and gases, giving the area a seemingly endless night and causing the Muni to adapt with their feeling whiskers, heat sensitive skin and nocturnal eyes, but also with filtered lungs that are able to take quite a smoky beating. Their muscular structure is not amazing, but it is impressive. The average human has an awesome endurance provided by a hard hunting past involving days of uninterrupted movement and exertion, while the Muni in contrast live in a relatively shaded and hard to see enviroment, making quick, powerful movements more favorable than tough long lasting abilities, causing the Muni to have piston strength movements, unbelievable acrobatics agility and swift grace, but to tire quickly physically, and have extremely low pain tolerance. Cultural History: The Muni are nocturnal hunters by nature, and being equipped with some of natures finest genetics for hunting, they never sought outstanding amounts of technology, and with their easily tired physical prowess, long violent excursions from sports to war, never interested the seemingly lazy civilization. Despite their deadly night prowls they consider themselves peaceful, content, and happy, having everything they would ever need. In their amazingly large amounts of free time due to the settled peace they focused their energy more on thought, but not of research and science, but of philosophy and religion. The Muni have a complex religious system honed to a sharp point, and recognize it in every second of their life. The general themes are love, and compassion. Since they have super sensitive skin and able to actually feel those around them with every inch of their bodies, they have grown extremely social, emotional and revere friendly interaction, commonly hugging and physically touching complete strangers. The central idea of Muni belief is a oneness with all and the belief of an “I” to be foolish, thus giving birth to a very close and friendly civilization, one of long open debates and friendly chats of many Muni hugging, rubbing, and holding each other in public forums, or traditional social bond making hunts, where the prey are revered and felt guilt for after the demise, a divine comedy of life. Social Structure: On their warm dark nocturnal planet of gas and smog, the Muni have developed a strong sense of family, tending to live together in large houses usually connected to a neighboring family. Forums are the center of the social structure, and where the Muni discuss new ideas they pondered in recent meditations. Public baths are also pretty popular, and public nudity is hardly offensive in them, as the Muni tend to wear very little to begin with on account of their sensitive skin and whiskers. The four leaders represent the voices of the Muni and are descendants from long uninterrupted forum appointed leaders, who prove themselves on more dangerous hunts and through many religious rites until the major forums of the largest cities are satisfied, but otherwise the government is quite lax and holds no real power other than as an administrator during forum confusions and foreign representation. [/hider] [hider=A look at the modern Muni (after contact, now)] After the Muni were tricked by the surrounding human governments to fight in their wars under the guise of “hunts” the ideology of the Muni was tested and strained against the new harsh realities, birthing the two schools of Muni thought: the Pababa and the Pabara. The Pababa is simple, as it is the original Muni thought: compassion for all, connection in all things. It preaches tolerance and the unending cycle of life and love. Everything matters, and everything is cared for. All is sacred and all is the same. War exists and challenges this thought, so Hope and perseverance has been added to its ideals, claiming one day things will return to the everlasting peace as it once was on Pax-Ra… the return to true Pababa. The Pabara is the newest thought, one made to cope with the introduction of war and hate to the original Pababa and one that is more common among the military Muni and those with the most human interaction. It can be seen as radical. The Pabara preaches that the Pababa can be reached once again for sure, but only through an ultimate act, be that even conquering all existence to extinguish war, and conflict once and for all, or simply unifying one area under stable rule. The Pabara avoids conflict like the Pababa, but were it cannot avoid, it takes over to create Pababa where there was none. If two sides were fighting, Pababa and the Pabara would preach to form a resolution for both sides to retain peace. If no resolution was met, Pababa would leave it alone and go nurture compassion and love where it is to be received willingly, Pabara would take over both sides to force resolution and peace. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=History:] For a long time two separate governments fought for control inside of modern day Innerzik territory. The battles were bloody and orchestrated by oligarchal senators on both sides, both very displaced from the actual fighting. Due to the attrition of this war, the last fifty years of it saw radical changes in the entire makeup of the torn nation. The people grew sick of the fighting and even more sick of how it drained the economy, bankrupted the nation, caused an explosion of poverty and the many untimely deaths of the youth. Seeking a solution without giving up the long war, one of the senates discovered a previously undiscovered system. The Muni were discovered on the planet, and using trickery such as pretending to need help on a hunt, Plash Shree became the first Muni to contact the humans and the first to be thrust into their war and experience the horrors of it. Among Plash a multitude of other Muni’s were recruited or abducted. Those who never returned to Pax-Ra were forced to integrate into the outworld, a world that didn’t want them except as soldiers to die in the place of humans and to win wars. Forty years of mistreatment saw the Outworld Muni population swell without a place to stay, the rise of Muni gangs, the takeover of the Ghetto and inner cities. Humans started to feel the Muni pain along with them as the war turned worse. Only the oligarchies refuse the Muni demands for equality in the same breath the Humans demands for peace were ignored. Eventually a human military leader rose, Peter Marshal, and along with Plash Shree, the two united the outworld Muni and liberty desiring humans into one big force. This force along with the entire might of both nation’s tired militaries, the rebels enacted a coup, easily destroying both senates, annexing surrounding systems that also called for liberation, and granting equality and liberation to all. Only time will tell what will replace the old government, and if the newly terraformed territories of the Muni will truly remain equal to those of the Humans. Rumors spread of the newly reformed united militaries plans on liberating the entirety of the unaffiliated zone, and the thought of bringing peace throughout the troubled systems. Planets and entire systems sign to join the movement, while others hide in the corner from the new force. All are welcome, the leaders claim, under the blanket of unity and peace of liberation. Pababa my friends. [hider=First Contact (forty years ago)] [center] [b] Pax-ra [/b] [/center] The planet of haze, the planet of acrid smells, and the planet of peace. Gnarled forests of dark wood and unique fruits tangled high above the dangerous mineral rich floors. Pits of sulfur and strange liquids burped clouds of gases to add to the overwhelming concoction that blanketed this world, leaving it in it's own shaded splendor of endless night. The strange creatures that dominated this wild landscape scurried from holding to holding, little settlements in the trees, and the occasional highly regarded forum that dug into the forest floor as fortresses of scholars and hissing public baths. Their milky white skin was the only tell tale sign of life in the canopies as these anthropomorphic creatures hunted and socialized among themselves in a strange clicking and grunting language that presented itself as clear gibberish to human ears. In a great wooden complex of domes and intricately designed courtyard of running water and suares upon squares of huddled up Muni, the creatures of Pax-ra, a pair of dark jet like eyes stared at another, belonging to such creatures. The pair huddled close to each other amid a large blob of other Muni, all staring deeply into each others eyes as they slowly breathed in a resting fashion. Now and again a hand would be raised and one of the muni would announce a new concept they had been pondering on in such a close fashion. Chattering vibrated throughout the group as various comments stirred discussions, discussing the new proposed idea, usually revolving around the base Muni virtues: compassion, love, friendship, and family. Though their mouths were filled with dagger like teeth and their sensitive agile bodies were made for hunting, they spoke of reverence for all life, and respect for peace and avoidance of strife. Although these human-esque beings spoke of dulling the senses to such viceful passions as violence and lust, their very bodies were made to feel right into the heart of those they touch or the heated presence of those around them. Black tendrils and whiskers jutted from their elbows, ears, and down their backs, feeling everything in the immediate area, just as they spoke of closing their light sensitive nocturnal eyes to the evil temptation of bravado and war. The pair however, did not speak, they did not chatter, and they did not repeat the virtues along with the rest of the meditating Muni. One was clearly a woman, with black hair flowing from her pale scalp and a feminine frame to her athletic body, while the other was not, presented by his lean masculine figure and bald head. The two sat naked with the rest of the commune, soaking their crossed legs in warm bubbling water as they thought deeply and looked longingly into each other's eyes. Their ultrasensitive skin flared their senses as the warm bubbles popped against and heated the under of their thighs. The pairs eyes sparkled as they reflected what little ambient light could be found in Pax-ra under the thick smog, but despite their senses itching at the back of their minds, they did not move, and they did not speak. With hands clasped gently over one another, they stared, as if reading each other's minds, they stared. Someone in the huddle moved slightly, probably trying to balance the comforting warmth of the bath to the rest of their body. The vibration of movement sent the pairs whiskers thrusting to an attentive pose, breaking the concentration. The man breathed deeply, filtering the smog of the world through his strange alien lungs as he blinked his eyes, stretching pinkish off white eyelids over his deep blacks. Although the man only held his fingertips to the woman's hands, he could feel every muscle in her body clenching and unclenching as her body functioned and her mind buzzed with emotions, emotions he swore he could taste through his delicate pores. He knew she was now uneasy from the overload of senses from the fellow Muni's abrupt movement and he dropped his fingers from her hands. His arms dangled as he let his hands fall into the shallow pool of water, sending bursts of heat to his fingertips and spider webbing up his forearms. The woman sighed, a colorful mist swirling around her breath. The man smiled a toothy grin as his throat clenched, about to speak when suddenly a powerful gust sent his senses reeling, sending his heart pounding into action. As above them, their whole world was about to change. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Military:] [url=https://youtu.be/Wga5A6R9BJg]Technology[/url] [/hider]