[center][color=d70a53][h3] ☰ = -[b] K I R S T Y W E B B [/b] - = ☰ [/h3][/color][/center] The rumbling sound of a beat up skateboard resonated throughout the streets with Kristy lazily standing on the wooden deck, a steel bottle of Red Bull dangling within her fingertips, and the wind blowing past her hair causing it to sail behind her like a shredded flag. Her feet kicked the ground every few seconds in order to generate that little bit more push, to keep up the speed, to simply keep moving as fast as possible. Why? She was late to her new job. Two days in Shine City, two days and Kristy was already back into the old habits of staying up all night. She didn't even remember why she was up at some ungodly hour but her hazy mind was bringing back memories of how the blue haired female was unpacking all her stuff when she arrived at her apartment on Saturday night. It wasn't a big place, second floor of a 2 storey block of flats. The place felt like a re-purposed motel that went out of business and instead was converted into a cheap housing area. With it's own limited parking and walls thin enough to hear the neighbours at night, it was a dream come true. Still, that was Saturdays experience and it didn't explain Sunday. All her clothes were still stored away in their boxes and whatever furniture she owned was already placed within the desired rooms. There was the bed, an old couch, a cheap, home depot table along with it's [i]non-matching[/i] chair, and her TV... The TV. The penny dropped on the drowsy individual. Her TV was broken and she must have spent the entire Sunday trying to fix it. No... it was longer than that. She spent the entire day and 'night' trying to fix the device, and if her memory served her correctly it was all because of her former room mate. A wild farewell party in her previous home that left Kristy waking up feeling like she had been hit by a cement truck, but nothing compared to the girl that apparently couldn't remember knocking the TV off it's stand. [color=d70a53][i]Heh, she always was the wild type...[/i][/color] the unhappy thought Kristy's mind. She already didn't have enough cash to simply go out and buy a new one, and trying to fix this one was proving to be difficult without the needed parts. The girl popped off the skateboards she was approaching a set of steps and stamped on the end, forcing the board to spring up into her grip. Too early in the morning to attempt any kind of stunts, and with the steps that were just in front of her the last thing she wanted to do was walk into work on the first day and announce, [color=d70a53][i]"Hey boss! I just dislocated my shoulder, might need to take some time off for that."[/i][/color] Kristy made her way down the stairs and pulled her phone out of the jacket pocket to order to check out the time; five minutes to spare. She was relieved. The hasty scramble out of bed and throw-on-the-clothes dance that she performed paid off. She could see the Arcade signage plastered around the place with stickers under the stair treads and big painted directional signs on the concrete ground. Everything about it was acting as a publicity magnet for those unlucky souls that hoped to pass without the temptation of entering for a few moments of fun. She walked up to the entrance, and sleepily accepted what the day would have to offer.