Hey fellow roleplayers! Thanks for clicking and having a peek! Although I hope you stay for a while. So I've not been on the role playing scene for a while and right now I'm literally itching to get something going even if it is planing and getting it all setup! About me... I do currently work full time and have my little girl to look after so I will pre warn anyone who wishes to role play with me.. I won't be doing replies every day but if I can then I will but more than likely I won't. I will give and expect the same back from all my partners on posting times etc etc. I am looking for fun so you know I can do "free" but no one liners or I can do "casual" for more in depth stuff! I am alright with mature themes so please be over 18 years old for these. I do generally keep all my stories in PM due to the stories always involving some sort of dark/mature theme. As of right now I do have ideas but no plots or stories so if anyone fancies building one up or maybe just chucking characters into it and BAM! Anyway it'd be great if you can PM me, tell me about your style and what your into then we can work from there. Until then. X