[h3][color=bedded][b][center]Thomas Richard Harrison[/center][/b][/color][/h3] [center][indent][color=bedded][i]Location:[/i][/color] Surprise Justice Leage + Suicide Squad mashup? [color=bedded][i]Interacting with:[/i][/color] Satilla, Sana, and a horse named Epona.[/indent][/center] Need maketh kings trade kingdoms for a steed, Steed maketh fields tilled for planting the seed, Seed maketh kings with his kingdoms to feed, Feed the horse for it is a god indeed. Nations rise and fall, some at a trot, others a gallop. For in the days of old the divinity of the horse was certainly embraced. Though it provided no milk, nor feathers, nor eggs, nor song (although sometimes questionably meat and hide), it was indeed valued as a fine commodity. Better than an ass as the seat of generals and kings, a creation worthy of the gods for in its Duplicity, it was both wild and tamed. The way its muscles moved in full gallop as it roamed free the plains contrasted starkly so as it turned the mill when reigned. A lance to joust, a sabre for cavalry, and even a bow or chariot, the first weapon of war so valued to crave out the borders of kingdoms. And so too was the horse a farm animal in times of peace, and so too was the horse an animal of leisure and play for a foxhunt or pleasurable riding. For in the future, these farseers and clairvoyants could see that in a new age of machine and metal, perhaps it was fitting is to be called Horsepower. [color=bedded]"Exhausted is better than dead. Quite possibly undead too."[/color] Now that ruminations on the symbolism of a horse is complete, Thomas chimed up to Satilla's comment regarding not casting any more spells. It was probably a better idea not to cast any spells, but it was easier to suffer now, than to feel nothing later. Although before another philosophical discussion occurs on the soul, undeath, and death blossoms, perhaps it was better to nip it in the bud and just go along with the general group decision to team up with the Orcs. Not Thomas' first choice of action given the Orcs are after all Orcs. Ugly, smelly, and monstrous Orcs, half-orcs were at least tolerable, but full on orcs? Probably wiser to keep them at Sword's length. Enough to swing a sword, and to avoid their stench and general grossness (they are quite large after all). Right the other person who offered to help him up a horse, as Thomas bade Satilla a nod checking to see if she would discharge him. There's probably some sort of inappropriate joke to be made there but there is absolutely zero intent in Thomas mind at least, for now, maybe if he was not burning up internally. Not Kyra, of whom Thomas has associated with that wolf-thing ([i]nice doggy[/i]...), but seemingly someone else who was a leader of the group. Curiously it seemed Thomas was probably the only one with some sort of animal companion (or was an animal), other than that Chef Bloke who Thomas suspected probably either would have cooked his or was in his sack of belongings that seemed to calm him down some as everyone took back their gear and then some from an old sneaky merchant from the broken-down cart. [color=bedded]"She's a beauty."[/color] The boy's hand grazed over the mare's dark side. Enough animal husbandry points certainly would mean Thomas knew a thing or twelve about horses, growing up a farmboy and well, nevermind that. Unless of course Thomas was actually talking about Satilla, or Sana. But no, he was referencing the horse, although a boy his age may find either women also attractive and possibly be in their good graces to notify them of such thoughts as innocently as possible. It was certainly not his first time mounting a horse, or riding one for that matter, although he was hardly proficient in riding a horse for say something like a battle or pony-express, he could hold his own on the animal and certainly found his way up as with Sana's help Thomas managed to add a bit more to Epona's carrying capacity as he gently patted the horse's sides with his hands. [color=bedded]"Thanks, fever should clear up by sunrise,"[/color] Thomas explained as he shifted himself to better seat himself [color=bedded]"I um, is there anything I can do to contribute? I mean I feel sort of bad just...[/color] It is after all supposed to be some sort of adventuring test or whatever it was Old Wolfgang sent the boy on, and Thomas wanted something to do to feel less like a invalid within the party. Maybe Sana or Kyra had some ideas? Between learning from Satilla Of course. Somewhere in another parallel dimension a man in green is playing a tune...