[hider=Nicholas Pearson][center][h3][color=Coral]Nicholas Pearson[/color][/h3][i]"[color=silver]Draxx, transform me![/color]"[/i] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-blXzLviHn0s/UHK3iwT8UxI/AAAAAAAABpw/PQ8V8oenOjU/s1600/hyouka-8.png[/img] Character Theme | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aPJVZMW4xI][color=Coral][u]Candles and Clockwork[/u][/color][/url] [color=silver][i]Nicholas is of average height and weight with a lean, athletic build that suggests he is quite active. He has short, messy brown hair and matching eyes. His facial features are fairly subdued, aside from his prominent eyelashes and high cheekbones. His otherwise fair complexion is usually riddled with various grazes or bandages from getting up to no good. Despite his childlike aesthetic, Nicholas has an aura of confidence about him that shows in his tall, pride stature and constant grin. He's usually seen in a red tracksuit with white stripes, with his muddy, old sneakers. He always has his headphones with him, usually concealing the cords in the sleeve of his tracksuit so he can listen to music in class.[/i][/color][/center][hr]Name | [color=silver][i]Nicholas Pearson[/i][/color] Age | [color=silver][i]14[/i][/color] Backstory | [color=silver][i]Nicholas Pearson, born to Jamie and Rose Pearson, had quite a normal upbringing. He was the youngest of three children, all boys, and was loved by his family. While it was to be expected that he and his brothers would naturally develop a little competitive rivalry, that did little to relieve his parents stress of having to handle three boys. Regardless, Nicholas was happy with his life. He attended school, played soccer on the weekends and even showed great promise as an athlete in elementary school. Nicholas was a fast child, able to easily outrun his peers. While it would be too early to tell, his schools coach was certain that with the right training the young boy would grow to be an amazing track and field star. With that knowledge, and a desire to nurture their child's talents, Nicholas' parents hired a personal trainer to meet with their son a couple times a week to help keep his body in peak physical condition. The training was nothing spectacular; there was only so much a child could do, but it did help him improve his speed, stamina and endurance considerably while on the track. Set off to middle school, Nicholas had plans to continue running track. Unfortunately, the happy home he thought he belonged to wasn't as perfect as it seemed. Nicholas' parents had been growing further apart, which resulted in their divorce. Even despite their differences, they were determined to keep their children's lives as normal as possible. The idea of not seeing his parents together anymore was hard to cope with, but thankfully Nicholas had an outlet in his running. He also began to clown around more at school, developing a bit of an attention seeking tendency. This usually landed him in trouble, but it wasn't so bad. Nicholas' brothers had been taking the split more harshly than he had, so he was doing his best to stay strong for them. Nicholas also joined the drama club as an extra curricular activity alongside track; looking to meet some more friends outside of the athletes circle.[/i][/color] Personality | [color=silver][i]On first glance, it would be hard to imagine why Nicholas would be granted the Dragonfly Miraculous. He's a goofy kid who likes to show off and play pranks on people. This is usually attributed to some form of insecurity, which isn't necessarily true. Nicholas struggles with handling emotional disturbances, and usually needs to seek an escape of some kind to help him cope. Of coarse that's not the main reason Nicholas is so invested in track and his other school activities. The boy is a determined individual, and a massive socialite. He loves meeting new people, making friends and sharing a laugh with people he cares about. He's not the most empathetic person, since he lacks much life experience to really resonate with the struggles of others. However he does his best to show compassion and be accepting of others. For this reason, Nicholas was chosen to wield the Dragonfly Miraculous. The Dragonfly is a symbol of self actualisation and change; more specifically how one changes to meet their current situation. These traits are perfect for Nicholas, who uses his own sense of self and talents to help him deal with his problems. Nicholas may not be the most book smart individual, but he shows a certain emotional clarity that is rarely seen in adolescents. With time he could easily grow into a person who could become a pillar of support for his friends. His main struggle is being able to read emotional and social cues, leading him to appear a bit awkward even despite how much he tries to make new friends.[/i][/color] [center][h3][color=SeaGreen]Odonata[/color][/h3][i]"[color=silver]So am I, like, half dragon then?[/color]"[/i] Battle Theme | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LJsds3yx18][color=SeaGreen][u]Alexandrite[/u][/color][/url] [color=silver][i]When Nicholas transforms into Odonata, his body is covered in a skin tight suit that is covered in a gradient of greens, purples and some light yellow. On his back is the design of two sets of Dragonfly wings, which reach down to his lower back. These wings can peel off from the suit on command to act as a functional means of transportation. Odonata's mask covers the entire scalp, cascading over Nicholas' eyes and nose. Two large circles, representing dragonfly eyes, cover the majority of the mask. There are also two antenna that sit atop of the mask. Odonata's hands are covered in thick, elbow length gloves which share a similar style to his boots. His Miraculous, a ring depicting a dragonfly's wings, sits on his right middle finger.[/i][/color][/center][hr]Hero Name | [color=silver][i]Odonata[/i][/color] Miraculous | [color=silver][i]Odonata is the Dragonfly Miraculous, which takes the form of a ring depicting a pair of folded Dragonfly wings that curl around the circumference of the ring. The piece of jewelry is white, with the wings being a hue of light green and purple. While the symbolism surrounding the Dragonfly Miraculous depends greatly on the country in which the wielder appears in, a common association across all cultures is that the Dragonfly is a representation of change, or how one adapts to change. As the Ladybug Miraculous is known as the one who brings about creation, and the Black Cat Miraculous is said to bring destruction; The Dragonfly Miraculous is known for the power of great change.[/i][/color] [u]Active Power[/u] [indent][indent]Transcendence | [color=silver][i]When Odonata calls upon the power of Transcendence, he showers one of his allies in a brilliant, golden light. This can only be used on a Miraculous user who has recently just used their Active Power. Transcendence restores their suits countdown back to full, as well as granting them the ability to use their Active Power once more in the same transformation. Transcendence comes with quite a heavy toll to Draxx, requiring them to spend longer than usual to recharge their energy.[/i][/color][/indent][/indent] [u]Passive Power(s)[/u] [indent][indent]Enhanced Physical Prowess | [color=silver][i]Increased strength, speed, stamina, flexibility, and endurance; all as a result from his suit.[/i][/color] Flight | [color=silver][i]Dragonfly's are known for their strong wings and incredible aerodynamics. Odonata is able to mimic this trait with his own wings. He can't fly for very long at the moment, only using his wings to propel him in short bursts.[/i][/color] Enhanced Vision | [color=silver][i]Odonata is able to see 360 degrees around him at all times, making it hard to sneak up on him. His eyes are also extra sensitive to movement.[/i][/color][/indent][/indent] Weapon | [color=silver][i]Odonata wields a baton, similar to the ones that conductors use when directing their orchestra. The tool has a little button on it that activates the communication device. The Baton's special ability is that it is able to project a bubble around Odonata or an ally to protect them. The bubble can't take a lot of punishment, and Odonata's Baton can only create three bubbles so far.[/i][/color] [center][h3][color=Turquoise]Draxx[/color][/h3] [color=silver][i]Draxx is the Dragonfly Kwami, sharing a very similar resemblance to Tikki in appearance. His large round head is mostly made up out of his massive dragonfly eyes, as well as three antenna which droop backwards behind his head like hair. Draxx does not have legs, but instead possesses an elongated abdomen as well as two pairs of long, translucent wings that fold neatly on his back. Draxx is mostly purple in color, with hues of green and yellow in a gradient near his abdomen.[/i][/color][/center][hr]Name | [color=silver][i]Draxx[/i][/color] Personality | [color=silver][i]Draxx is a wise Kwami who always relies on logic and talks as if everyone should immediately understand what he is saying. He and Nicholas share a rather tenuous relationship as the Kwami berates him on not taking his role as a hero seriously. He's also demanding, condescending and judgmental. However when all is said and done, Draxx is dependable and is always full of advice. He's rather sympathetic towards Nicholas struggles and does his best to keep him motivated.[/i][/color] Favorite Food | [color=silver][i]Pop Tarts. And they have to be brown sugar and cinnamon flavor. He refuses to eat any other kind. Also he doesn't like them toasted.[/i][/color][/hider]