[center] [h2] [color=lightcoral] Maren [/color] [/h2] [/center] Maren made a face at the intruding twins. Audrey. That was the name. She could see a flash of the girl in the hallway of school. Audrey. Left sometime before graduation. Or was she expelled. [color=lightcoral]"Aud...female? About yay high? Rides a motor cycle that may or may not be parked outside?"[/color] She paused making a hand gesture.[color=lightcoral] "Nope, haven't seen her,"[/color] There was a part of Maren that knew she should at least be wary of the boy, but he irritated her, so that feeling went right out the door. With that she turned pointedly back to Zoey, cutting the guy off from his order. [color=lightcoral]"Pff, everyone knows that I only skinny dip for important things. Like...New Years Day...and New Years Eve...and Easter and Halloween and Saturday and if there is tequila involved... I mean-- that is besides the point. You asked for a serial killer and you got one," [/color]She let out an uneasy laugh as she looked back down at blood trail before flicking her eyes back at Zoey. [color=lightcoral]"In all seriousness, I was behaving myself if you can believe it or not!"[/color] She called to Zoey's retreating head. She stood at the counter a moment longer before gimping over to the nearest table, dropping her still dripping shoe slightly off to the side, before raising her foot to examine the damage. A thin piece of sharp sea glass stuck out from her foot. It was too thin for her to grab with her fingernails, so she was resigned to wait for the kit. She didn't have to wait long, as Zoey came carting it in not a minute or two later.[color=lightcoral] "And,"[/color] she continued, as though Zoey had never left. [color=lightcoral]"That just goes to show you that I'll get hurt no matter what I do, might as well walk away with a good story," [/color] She reached into the kit and pulled out the tweezers. With a hiss, she slowly yanked the piece of glass from her foot. [color=lightcoral]"It is a good thing I am not squeamish, or this would be really difficult. Speaking of making my life difficult.... none of the MacGrath's are in right? They might banish me for life for this mess,"[/color] She said, setting the bloody piece of glass on the table, reaching for some gauze to wrap her foot in. She then glanced up in time to see a red glow light up the sky. [color=lightcoral] "The fuck was that?"[/color] she said, standing to get a better look, her foot almost entirely forgotten. [@Mr Allen J]