Karn flicked her ears as the others managed to finish the bomb off, the monkey pillaging the creature and acquiring the loot. Giving a grin in response to Wylde. "Oh you know me. Just enjoying catting around." she chuckled before her emerald gaze turned Cassius as he puffed himself up like a peacock with this strange woman who seemed insistent in seeing the Princess. Why is that people just talked what they could do? Suppose it was a intimidate tactic but either way the blonde didn't care for it. At least, not with words. But usually when it came to blunder headed knights who threw their lives in for a insane Queen, it was just... ugh. She was sore to think about such nonsense. Ears slightly perking up as Cassius turned to her in a request to take confiscate the knight's weapons. "If you were asking, it's polite to ask with the magic word known as 'Please' which I'm sure you have heard of. It's a very special word." The blonde mused, her tail flicking before just giving a casual shrug. "But hey don't worry. By your performance earlier, seems like you and Boss have some things in common. Cats with no whiskers or tails." the blonde mused, perhaps still a bit sore about being nailed like that. Well, more fore her teammate but hey she almost had to take much needed medicine just to heal her body. All over a rookie's mistake in going overboard in a play fight. Suppose she shouldn't be too annoyed by it, but her rib did shatter. And they all were suppose to be somewhat of professionals. So friendly fire was preferred not to happen on the job. If she was going to get hit, she rather get mauled by a wolf or something. Still though, she did as requested and went over to the stranger. Giving a slight teasing purr as she raised her hands on either side of her head, and made a mild groping motion with them. Her fingers moved in a swift manner suddenly, deft hands from years of experience as a thief. Moving to snatch the weapons aside.