[h3][color=a2d39c][b][center]Ntaj Zoov Yaaj[/center][/b][/color][/h3] [Center][color=a2d39c][b]Location:[/b][/color] Gorlf Northern Territory [color=a2d39c][b]Actions:[/b][/color] Carved a stick and is walking with the others towards the orc's home[/center] Finally, it seemed like hostilities had passed. Honestly, Ntaj was glad. This wasn't the best circumstances to be fighting in, not to mention the context for their fight would have been... Less then acceptable by Ntaj's reasoning. Killing because of a misunderstanding or miscommunication was a horrible thing to do. Avoiding this unnecessary fight was best, and the only thing Ntaj regret was his inability to really say anything helpful. Keystone called out to Ntaj and spoke to him, but Ntaj just stared blankly at him. Once more, Keystone's accent and vernacular made his words lost on Ntaj, though the half-orc guessed that it was just Keystone voicing his frustrations again. Ntaj just smiled and wave. [color=a2d39c]"Okay."[/color] Going over to the wagon Ntaj hoped to salvage some use from it. He had thought maybe it was still functional, but upon closer examination the wagon was thoroughly ruined. Too damaged to be used as a wagon anymore, and it was nothing more than firewood now. The orcs came by and took the contraband, as well as pretty much everything else that Cremwise was hauling, leaving nothing but the wagon itself. But that's all that Ntaj really needed. He took out the Traverler's anytool, creation a knife, and picked out a choice piece of wood. Something sturdy and long, and Ntaj torn a length of cloth from the wagon too. With deft strokes Ntaj was able to carve the humble piece of wood into another humble piece of wood, but this one better suited to support someone's weight. If he had more time Ntaj could have probably rigged the entire wagon into something usable, likely a smaller wagon, but the orc leader wanted everyone to leave immediately. So a walking stick was all that Ntaj could make. Not that he needed one, he already had his Animal Totem which served that purpose. He actually made this staff for Thomas. What was a wizard without a wizard's staff after all? That and while Thomas was still weak, he would need something to support his weight so he didn't fall over at the slightest breeze. That being said, it seemed that Sana had allowed Thomas to ride Epona. That certainly would help the ill wizard, and now Ntaj had a carved stick that he really had no need for. [color=a2d39c]"Eh. Just give."[/color] Walking over to Epona and Thomas, Ntaj caught a bit of Thomas's final words asking if he could do anything. Ntaj poked his side with the staff. [color=a2d39c]"Hold stick."[/color] Leaving the staff with Thomas, Ntaj went about other business. Firstly, Honey was starting to get scratchy and wanted to get down to hunt for food. Seeing that he was so full of energy, Ntaj could guess that his friend had recovered from the poison so Ntaj let Honey out of his bag and run into the forest. Next where these orcs. While Ntaj was happy to not have to fight all of them, that didn't change that the group was outnumbered and dealing with potentially hostile people. Despite the fact that the orcs had a reason to distrust them, Ntaj still didn't like the idea of being in their mercy. The party was heading into the orc's homeground, subjected to their hospitality and rules, and it would certainly put everyone in a tight spot since Ntaj doubt anyone knew of these orc's culture. Even Ntaj couldn't claim he knew how these orcs lived since they weren't part of Dark Star. He could only guess, and that could just make things worse. Ntaj walked passed Cremwise, not really doing anything to him. Not even looking at him. As far as Ntaj was concerned, Cremwise was everyone else problem. Whatever judgement they had for the old man Ntaj wouldn't stop them. Instead Ntaj stayed towards the front, slightly ahead of the pack. He knew that the orcs likely just wanted the party to travel with them to fight their battles, and Ntaj was fine with that. It wasn't as if he had anything else to offer to the orcs, and Ntaj hasn't really done anything to earn his keep with the party. May as well put his life on the line so they have a reason to keep him around. With his walking stick in hand and shield strapped to his arm Ntaj took point, stopping to allow the orcish leader to guide Ntaj to the proper direction towards their home.