[hr][hr][center][color=#C9FFC9][h2]Dominik[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][center]Location: Town of Beginnings - The Inn - Bar Interacting With: The True Main Character of SAO [@BlueSky44][/center][hr][hr] Dominik was up bright and early at 6:30 AM, ready to take on the day. He began by plunging his head into one of the three buckets of water he'd brought to his room the previous night. One sat empty, having been drained before bed to reduce the chances of a hangover. The third sat by the door, awaiting its soon-to-be-realized purpose. Fully refreshed, Dominik placed the two used buckets in his inventory and donned his armor in a single well-practiced motion on the user interface. He sucked his teeth in annoyance at his slightly decreased speed compared to during the beta, but he knew he'd soon be much more practiced. Everyone would be. He hefted the yet unused bucket in one arm and slid out of his room and back to the bar. He was greeted by a sight that almost set him into a fit of laughter. Alissa lay across the bar, her feet on the bartender's side of the counter. She bore an expression of absolute contentment on he sleeping face. Nearby was Kouichi, sprawled across the floor with toppled barstools on and around him, grinning fiercely in his sleep. Dominik took a moment to burn the scene into his memory. A twinge of guilt sprung up in his gut as he moved to give the water its purpose, but he'd given them fair warning the previous night. One heave and both were instantly alert, spluttering and gasping for digital air. [color=#C9FFC9]"Rise and shine! We need to get to work if we want to make headway in the market."[/color] Neither complained as they wiped sleep from their eyes and found their feet. [color=orange]"So, what's the plan for today? We makin' that guild like we was talking about?"[/color] Alissa asked, her hands needlessly attempting to fix her hair. [color=tan]"I got a rather interesting guild invitation yesterday. I was hoping to follow up on it today to see if it could further our goals. You'd probably remember that, Alissa, if you hadn't gotten shitfaced so quickly."[/color] Kouichi playfully punched her shoulder pad, and Alissa poorly hid a smile by sticking her tongue out at him. Dominik, on the other hand, gave a hearty laugh. [color=#C9FFC9]"You're one to talk, Kouichi. What happened, did they use you as the ball for a game of human bowling?"[/color] Kouichi feigned indignation, but his smile gave him away just as Alissa's had. [color=#C9FFC9]"In any case, our plan for today is business as usual. Don't be afraid to let yourselves be recruited by a trade guild - in fact, welcome the chance, as it will give us strong ties if and when we make our own."[/color] The other two nodded in understanding. They all knew exactly what the MMO economy would be for the next few days - the initial economic burst will be unstable, so selling materials would bear more profit than selling crafted goods. The trio bantered for a few minutes more before finally setting off for the day. Dominik stayed at the bar for a few minutes more, waiting to see if anyone he recognized would show up. His expectations were on the mark: he saw two players he recognized from the beta test (despite the appearance change during the GM's announcement) but whose names didn't come to mind. The names of antisocial gamers were unimportant to him, regardless of accomplishments, because those who can't have fun once in a while aren't fun. Dominik simply sat back and watched them pass. Later, Klein and his group came down and began to head out. Here was an actual character - a man who got things done and did so without sacrificing his social life. A man who could lead. In short, Klein was a man of Dominik's caliber. Dominik walked over to greet the group. [color=#C9FFC9][i]Business as usual.[/i][/color] [color=#C9FFC9]"Good morning! You guys heading out?"[/color]