Jacques smirked at Dawkin's comment to his Aron, and the Elite Four could already imagine... Now, wouldn't that be something to look forward to? Rhyperior grinned down at the little fellow, a challenging rather than intimidating grin that pretty much told “I'm looking forward to it!” [color=EF284F]'… It was my pleasure.'[/color] Jacques answered Dawkin, a little hesitation in his voice but the sentence genuinely meant. [color=82c6cf]'Jacques. Your Rhyperior is scaring the Vulpix.'[/color] Kalmia commented. [color=ff961f]'Rhy!?'[/color] The Rhyperior flinched, it's expression suddenly turning distressed as it saw the quivering little Flame in Donna's arms. It looked completely taken aback. All of a sudden, it backed away into the wall a bit... before lying down on it's stomach, trying to make itself as low as possible and as a result made itself as wide as possible, lying spread across that side of the room and looking apologetically and worriedly at the Vulpix. [color=ff961f]'Rhy... rhy...'[/color] It sounded really sad and sorry. Jacques smirked. [color=EF284F]'Don't worry. This guy wouldn't hurt a fly...'[/color] … And then he grinned his sinister little grin. [color=EF284F]'… Assuming said fly isn't challenging him to a Pokémon Battle.'[/color] [color=ff961f]'Rhy!'[/color] Rhyperior smiled on the floor where it was taking up so much space, and lifted one of its three fingers on the right hand to copy a thumbs-up gesture. Kalmia looked over the ridiculous Rhyperior on the floor, then shrugged, and moved on to questions. [color=82c6cf]'Route 1 or Route 2, eh?'[/color] Kalmia smirked a bit. [color=82c6cf]'Depends on what you're looking for. Now, Route 1 is the most commonly travelled Route and it is considered the main entrance to Pureplain City. It is very beginner-friendly and a really nice place for anyone to get experience finding out what this Pokémon Trainer thing is all about...'[/color] She waved her arms in a descriptive manner as she talked. [color=82c6cf]'Route 2, on the other hand, is a lot more likely to contain more rare and widespread kinds of Pokémon. Between the presence of rivers, Infested Woods and Wet Caverns, you're bound to have an interesting journey on the way to Lakewatch Town. THOOOUGH...!'[/color] Kalmia smirked wider. [color=82c6cf]'… It's a lot more difficult a journey. Risking that the closest Pokémon Center is in Pureplain City, attempting to brave by Route 2 and the Wet Caverns to get to Lakewatch Town is taxing even for an average traveller. I trust you'll make a calculated decision.'[/color] She smirked at her own words, liking her own warning. … Then she smiled a little kinder. [color=82c6cf]'Though, yes, there's nothing stopping you from just looking into the contents of Route 2 and its close terrains for Pokémon to then return to actually get further through the much easier Route 1, or training to get tougher on Route 1 before actually going through Wet Caverns when you believe you're ready~'[/color] She suggested briefly, as some tip to consider. [color=82c6cf]'Oh, and it probably helps a lot if you help each other out. Travelling on your own can become really lonesome after a while, and working together works really well~!'[/color] Seeing how that appeared to be the only question, Kalmia happily clasped her hands together. [color=82c6cf]'So!'[/color] She said happily. [color=82c6cf]'With that, you should all be ready to begin your Pokémon journeys! Let me just hand-'[/color] She started to reach for and open a box that was placed in one of her book-shelves, that may have contained a bunch of Pokéballs... [color=EF284F]'If I may have a word.'[/color] Jacques raised his hand, taking a step forward with a happy little smile on his lips as he interrupted Kalmia. Professor Kalmia blinked a bit as she turned her eyes and looked with a bit of confusion at the man, not completing her action of retrieving said box. [color=82c6cf]'Ueh?'[/color] Kalmia confirmed she had heard him and paying attention. [color=EF284F]'You see, I might have been a little bit dishonest. I have one more reason to come by. You see, I've gathered a few young hopefuls of my own.'[/color] Kalmia's eyes blinked in stunned surprise at him, and Jacques seemed to enjoy every moment of it. [color=EF284F]'… And I arranged a deal with Professor Sycamore of Kalos to ensure my hopefuls would also be given Pokédexes.'[/color] He said, smiling kindly at the crowd. [color=82c6cf]'Huh? What? But we're the ones tasked by Professor Oak...'[/color] Kalmia started in confusion, turning away from the box to face him, her movements a bit unsure and hesistant. [color=EF284F]'I unfortunately didn't know that when I initiated this project. Let me tell you, when I contacted him, Professor Sycamore was very enthusiastic about letting a number of young hopefuls with Pokédexes explore the region of Isson and he ordered my requested number on the spot. He was very helpful. Imagine my surprise when I learned that Professor Oak had already tasked you with the same duty. Fu-fu.'[/color] Jacques chuckled a little sinisterly. [color=82c6cf]'But, er. I'm a Pokémon Professor of Isson...'[/color] Kalmia defended, frowning a little bit towards him. [color=EF284F]'But Professor Sycamore doesn't even know you exist.'[/color] Jacques happily reminded. [color=82c6cf]'Ptah!'[/color] Kalmia recoiled like she had been dealt a physical blow. She was a rather new Professor, yes, but woah, that stung. [color=EF284F]'Besides, as I said, I had no idea you were even gathering young hopefuls! It might have been because I was on a trip to Kalos, but you seem to have kept this mostly within your own contacts...'[/color] Jacques eyes suddenly slowly trailed to Lucian. [color=EF284F]'… as well as other, less honourable sources.'[/color] His eyes went back to Kalmia, who's eyebrows twitched. Was that an accusation? [color=EF284F]'I assume this was to limit the number of applicants, you always liked the thought of giving underdogs a chance, and as such, by limiting the number of people who knew of it you could increase the chance of some children who's abilities would never normally have been offered this opportunity to rise to stardom...'[/color] His eyes briefly trailed to Abigail, before going back to Kalmia. [color=82c6cf]'Euugh. That's, uh, not entirely true.'[/color] Kalmia frowned with a troubled expression, raising her finger in objection. [color=82c6cf]'Besides, I'd never heard of you gathering kids either! You were doing the same thing!'[/color] She accused. [color=EF284F]'Alas, you may be correct. My fault. I apologize.'[/color] His expression turned apologetic and sad-looking, raising his hands palms-up to show how he was exposed. Kalmia blinked in confusion, not having expected this reaction. [color=82c6cf]'Er, um. It's okay, but...'[/color] Kalmia started, but Jacques was swift to open his mouth again. [color=EF284F]'However.'[/color] Jacques gained a serious expression, startling Kalmia. [color=EF284F]'The reason I kept quiet about it, is that I didn't want applicants. I sought out promising, outstanding hopefuls on my own, the kind that could definitely rise to stardom. They didn't negotiate with me, and certainly neither did their parents. I came to them with an offer, plain and simple. And they accepted.'[/color] … Kalmia opened her mouth, seemingly about to say something, when Jacques expression immediately softened. [color=EF284F]'… However, I'm not here to argue about means or open any kind of hostility.'[/color] He said, with a kind tone and smile. [color=EF284F]'I'm here to offer my friendship. After all, more young hopefuls with Pokédexes is simply a good thing for Pokémon research. Doesn't matter whose rights it is. Let's all be friendly, alright?'[/color] He asked, with a happy tone. Kalmia stared at him a bit dumbfounded, but... [color=82c6cf]'Yeah, sure. Doesn't look like it's gonna hurt anyone, after all. More kids who get their chances!'[/color] Kalmia grinned eventually, and the matter appeared to be cleared up... [color=EF284F]'That's why, I wanted to offer a friendly competition. Your young hopefuls, against mine. In all manners from Pokémon Battling, catching the most Pokémon or maybe even in Pokémon Contests...'[/color] He smirked, looking across the kids for a bit before looking back to Kalmia. [color=EF284F]'We can see which will perform the best. That should serve as ample sentiment for them to strive to become the best they can.'[/color] He offered, a sinister smile on his lips. Kalmia opened her mouth, staring at him for a bit. Jacques had already bragged about that he had gathered only the best of the best, yet he wanted a competition? … His reasons didn't matter. Kalmia gained her own sly smile, a determined gaze meeting his. [color=82c6cf]'My trainers can totally beat your trainers.'[/color] She said the most mature line, ever. [color=EF284F]'We'll see about that. Fu-fu-fu.'[/color] Jacques chuckled. [color=EF284F]'Then, how about we start it off with a Pokémon Battle? Your young hopefuls versus mine. They've also just been given their first Pokémon, and I've left them somewhere nearby. They've been left waiting for quite a while, I bet they're rather eager to get started just about now...'[/color] Jacques smirked, giving the offer to Kalmia. Kalmia, smirking, turned to face the present kids. [color=82c6cf]'So, you all don't NEED to do so, this is completely optional, but...'[/color] The Professor grinned widely and threw up her hand with a thumb pointing at Jacques. [color=82c6cf]'Would you lot like to kick this guy's asses for me?'[/color] [color=EF284F]'… My young hopefuls'... a-asses...'[/color] Jacques frowned and attempted to correct her immediately, but appeared to have trouble saying that particular word. [color=EF284F]'… I assume you mean. I don't have... multiple rears... and besides, I sincerely doubt they could, if you actually meant me...'[/color] Jacques suddenly looked troubled and deeply uncomfortable, due to this sentence of Kalmia's. She just happily shone with her smile, maybe from Jacques' displeasure. During this conversation, Vivia had been distressed over there beside the expressionless Slowpoke, staring rather wide-eyed and mildly panicked at the conversation between her Professor and the Elite Four member... Meanwhile, the Rhyperior was still on the floor, staring at the Vulpix it had previously scared, trying to look non-threatening by rocking lightly back and forth on his side on the floor, it's voice letting out low-pitched noises that seemed to try to hold a tune. [color=ff961f]'Rhyy~ Peeer~ Rhyyyy~ Peeeer~ Rhyyy~ Peeer~ … Ior~!'[/color] … Was it trying to sing a comforting song to the little Fire-type? It's voice wasn't particularly talented.