Alright, here's the new organization I made specifically for an event I plan on doing later. [quote][h3]| The Metahuman International Party (MIP) |[/h3] [indent]Translated as the[i]Metamensch internationale Party[/i] in German, and [i]Méta humain parti International[/i] in French. With the death of nearly a million people in the Verthaven Disaster, the opinion of Metahumans has reached an all-time low. With the rise of the Allegiance and similar organizations in other countries, and the sheer hatred against Metahumans, there was death and destruction everywhere. Until a woman known as Nina Amstrutz, a Swiss Politician had her Metahuman son murdered in cold blood, and decided that it was time for a change. She formed the Metahuman International Party, a group advocating for peace between Metahumans and Humans, through teaching, and impersonal connections. Through time, the group became big in Europe, and managed to spread globally (They have a huge following in North-America). The group is the first that criticizes bad treatment of Metahumans by the governments of the world, and also assists humans and Metahumans alike. Until the group has managed to gain a following of Metahumans and Humans alike with the same goal. The MIP is not particularly liked by the many Metahuman Regulation Agencies of the world because, despite the Geneva convention being against it, they criticize them for basically employing Metahuman soldiers as weapons.[indent][hider=Notable Members] [list] [*]Nina Amstutz - The head of the party. Nina is a woman with German roots, and had blonde-hair and blue eyes. She's fairly short, and keeps her hair in a bobcut, keeping it short and proper at all times. Nina is a world renown face because she fights for the rights of Metahumans, and attempts to heal wounds despite being a baseline human being. She is very charismatic, and is able to sway people to the side of peace. While openly criticizing governments. She lives in Switzerland, but travels the world where her word is needed. Nina often visits North America, and Britain (Where she is the biggest advocate for change in the MISW). [h3][/h3] [/list][/hider][/indent][/indent][/quote] Feel free to voice your comments.