[h2][color=Indigo]Big Sisters[/color] - [color=Gold]Gourd Lake[/color][/h2] More than their natural abilities these five Big Sister's had access to all the plasmids of Rapture, lending them far more power than any one being should ever have possessed. The moment the Kaiser and Henry made to strike at Five where she stood the Big Sister vanished in a puff of purple smoke reappearing next to Becky Welsh as she attempted to put out the flaming remains of the Caretaker's shack. [color=IndianRed]"I wonder,[/color] the creature said to her in a voice that could almost be called polite curiosity [color=IndianRed]"Why do you not fight with your allies? Do you not consider them important? Do there lives mean little? Or perhaps you are cowardly?"[/color] Despite the obvious offense in Five's words her tone did not suggest that she meant to make Candy Cane feel pathetic or weak but simply wished to know the answer to her question. Meanwhile the four other Big Sisters who where content to sit and watch began to discuss the situation. [color=Red]"Most interesting, the cloaked one seems to wield a power not unlike Adam, it is in his blood, his being. What do you think Alpha?"[/color] The First asked addressing the second one who had spoken. [color=DarkSlateBlue]"It is conceivable that in this world an equivalence to the genetic technologies of Rapture developed as a chance mutation. An interesting occurrence but clearly not an equal rival our abilities."[/color] [color=Red]"An interesting assessment."[/color] said the first as though this was a classroom debate. [color=Red]"Gamma,"[/color] she said to Four. [color=Red]"Why would Alpha assume the surface dwellers powers are less than our own?"[/color] [color=Magenta]"It is not a question of less or more power but of energy, fuel.[/color] Gamma responded. [color=Magenta]"The surface dweller lacks Eve as a power source which means his abilities rely entirely on the energy his body can divert to his mutation. This signifies a key weakness in his abilities. If he uses them in an extreme manner it will take more power than he is capable of sustaining and his body will shut down. We do not share the same limitation."[/color] [color=Red]"Very good,"[/color] said the First as though praising a prized student. [color=Red]"Theta,"[/color] she said to Three [color=Red]What have you seen?"[/color] Unknown to any but the five the Big Sister known as Subject Theta had been using a plasmid called Scout. It allowed her to make an invisible mirage of herself that while not possessing of a physical form could relay data back to Theta's body. Since Five had begun her attack Theta had been observing the area in this form, in particular a man that had begun hiding when the fighting broke out and now stood invisible not far away. When The First spoke Theta came back to herself [color=DarkGreen]"There's a man watching us."[/color] she said as though this was very rude thing to do. [color=DarkGreen]"He turned invisible behind that tree."[/color] Without a second's hesitation One reached out her hand and activated a plasmid called Winter Blast. A wall of ice covered in deadly spikes formed rapidly over the tree extending beyond it to where the Spy was hiding. If he was still in that position the spikes would stop just short of his body. It was not an attack but a warning. [@Lugubrious][@Royzooka][@Kafka Komedy][@Scarifar] [h2][color=Gray]Hyrule Castle Town Market[/color][/h2] When the Transistor's Crash technique blasted pure force at the creature the guard had become a strange thing happened to him. The bits of him that appeared as a badly burned corpse flashed red for a moment and from deep within the creature something like a ghastly groan escaped its throat. The creature leaned forward as though it had been struck and needed a moment to recover but when it did so only the dead parts of it moved. For a few seconds the corpse came completely disconnected from the man leaving strange blurred edges were they'd parted. This was especially strange on the body as small chucks of flesh from his torso became momentarily suspended in midair. It however recovered in seconds and all of the disconnected floating bits of corpse rejoined the man who's face suggested that nothing was wrong. It started to walk towards Red, her shot only having bought her a few moments of time. [color=RosyBrown]"Welcome to Hyrule Castle."[/color] it said eerily as it approached, intending if even a part of the Redead came in contact with Red to latch onto her back and start draining her strength from her body. [@Kafka Komedy][@Lugubrious] [h2][color=MediumSeaGreen]Terra Branford[/color] - [color=ForestGreen]Hyrule Fields[/color] ==> [color=Gray]Hyrule Castle Town[/color] [/h2] As Terra ran she could hear the sound of the beasts Gaige had procured gaining on her. Her mind just a little bit more settled now Terra reached into her bag and pulled out an old stone pin that fit in the palm of her hand. They were a fairly common magical item in her land known as The Running Shoes. They increased the speeds at which she could move which was very useful for avoiding pursuers but Terra had never personally liked them because unless she were concentrating very very precisely she had a tendency to smash into things when she tried to stop. Not worrying about that now Terra pinned the relic to her dressed and her speed dramatically increased. Not perhaps enough to outrun these 'horses' but enough that she might delay being caught long enough to reach the Castle she could see in the distance. The Castle loomed closer just as Terra heard a shot echo out over the land. It seemed that although Gaige had only known Hildibrand a few hours her code of honor demanded that his death be avenged. Terra pushed herself so hard her legs were burning and her lungs screamed for relief but despite that Terra dared not take to the air in her esper form. Those weapons Gaige and Scout carried were not dissimilar from those mounted on the arms of magitek armour. Becoming air born would simply make her a very easy target. She was moving so fast that even as the skeletons clawed there way up from the ground she was already around them and out of reach. As she ran the sound of a rooster crowing seemed to fill the air and almost magically the sun peaked over the horizon. The skeletons that Terra had ceased giving any thought to vanished back into the ground till the next night fall. As Terra approached Hyrule Castle the drawbridge lowered and Terra pulled the Running Shoes pin off her dress coming to a halt halfway through the gate. Without pausing to look for her pursuers Terra darted inside the Castle Town. Walking through the main street Terra couldn't shake the impression that something was very wrong with this place. Nothing looked out of the ordinary too much but little details just seemed off. Like a scorched brick placed among a thousand freshly cleaned ones. Or a window shutter that had been snapped off on a house that looked almost new. Then the final proof that this town was all wrong came to her. Up ahead Terra spotted a girl that seemed to be engaged in combat with form of zombie creature. Knowing that the undead detested fire Terra summoned a Fira spell and lobbed it at the zombie. Far from defeating it however the thing caught fire but seemed to take no heed of it as it continued to walk towards the woman. [@Scarifar][@Zarkun][@ProPro][@Kafka Komedy]