[h3][color=Silver][center]~Tsuiho~[/center][/color][/h3] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/hev6SI8.png[/img][/center] [@liferusher] [@Kitsune] [color=silver]"Awah, using cute things as carpets is meeeean~"[/color] Not that she particularly minded. Being part masochist had its upsides, yep. More importantly, after telling her [i]not[/i] to look up, she just couldn't [i]not[/i]. And being the stealthy sneaky ninja she was, she was more than capable of looking without getting caught. She subtly turned her head upwards, and received a gift that anyone would have been thankful to receive. As Aya stepped off, the fox's face was one of pure bliss. She decided to remain on the floor, though. She had no reason to move after receiving such a treat. Aya went on to mention two voice above, both of which were men, as well as tell her she looked pretty pathetic down there. Huh, she had some pretty good ears on her if she could hear the two of them talking upstairs. That said, yeah, she did look pretty pathetic down there. [color=silver]"Auu, you're a mean one, aren't you?"[/color] Tsuiho replied, slowly standing up, dusting some dirt off her clothes. [color=silver]"Ehe, but that's fine. I'm nice enough for the both of us!~"[/color] No, she really wasn't but details, details. Hopping in front of the human, Tsuiho gave her a friendly grin and playful salute. [color=silver]"And wow, you've got some good ears if you can hear the two guys up there talking! Come on, I'll go introduce ya!~"[/color] She bounded up the stairs up to the second floor balcony, not checking to see if Aya was behind her. [color=silver]"KondoKondoKondoKondoohhaiKyojin-oof~!~"[/color] Her voice would have likely interrupted whatever conversation him and Kyojin was having, with her repeatedly shouting Kondo's name over and over again without stopping until she finally got onto the Balcony, bouncing to a halt and almost tripping over the railing after giving hurried greeting to the Giant. [color=silver]"Hey hey, we've got a little problem! I found a girl. I wanna keep her but she's lost and I think that'd be stealing."[/color]