[center][img]http://cdn.inquisitr.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/destiny-tower.jpeg[/img][/center] When a Guardian enters hostile territory, any quarrels between their enemies are immediately halted as every minion of Darkness targets them. Despite this, they are all aware of their unfortunate fate. They are merely delaying the inevitable. When a Guardian dies, their Ghost brings them back and they get right back to their killing. A group of six of them have taken on gods and decimate them. Masters of time and space, princes, and kings are now only dust under the boots of their destroyers. Through their Light and sheer tenacity, they have a chance of beating the Darkness back. However, they can be killed permanently. If their Ghost is destroyed or their light runs out, they're gone for good. It's a sad fact that some Guardians are lost to the Darkness forever. They say that the ones that stand in defense of the Light now, though, are the most powerful Guardians to have ever been. When one goes to the highest points in the Tower, the number of Guardians becomes more and more noticeable. This is where they go to meet, turn in engrams, collects bounties, and buy upgrades to their armor and weapons. Most Guardians only see the Tower a few moments at a time. Others have seen almost nothing but its confines. Both are crucial to the cause of humanity, and their combined knowledge and strength form the backbone of what makes humanity a force to be reckoned with. Ironically, if you put these two in a room together, saying that they won't get along is an understatement. These are hard times, though, and recent events will force Guardians of all kinds to join together and fight off the incoming threat to the Tower. As of now, it's business as usual. Warlocks in records, Hunters comparing cape sizes and shaders, and Titans taking turns with the "One Punch Challenge." The common rabble was suddenly interrupted by the sound of the intercom. It was one of the Vanguards, Zavala, inviting a number of Guardians by name to come to the Vanguard's main hall. If they were out of the Tower, they were alerted through their Ghosts of the message, meaning it was urgent. They were needed there immediately, no matter where they were or what they were doing. You are one of these Guardians. It is most likely in your best interest to show up.