[center][h2]Rules[/h2][/center] 1. Don't start fights in OOC. 2. Stick to the main plot 3. Cursing is allowed, but not over excessive 4. Nothing sexual. Period. 5. No fighting in between Guardians, but arguments are alright. 6. No Godmodding, of course. 7. Don't spam your super, grenades, or melee. This isn't Mayhem clash 8. [s]If someone uses No Land Beyond or Thorn I swear to god...[/s] 9. Ignore the above rule, but make sure you take your choice of gear seriously as you make your character. It will be changed if the group chooses to go back to the Tower when they can. 10. You can autokill regular old mooks, but not Majors or Ultras. 11. To work off of the previous rule, remember the weaknesses of some enemies. You may be able to autokill an average enemy with one weapon but not another. 12. Last but not least, post as frequently as possible. If you are going to be absent for any reason, tell me via PMs. I will message if you are absent for 2 days. If you don't respond a day after that, I will have to drop you... along with an apology. Sorry...