[hider=Detective Federick Harrowitz] [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/74c5/f/2008/319/e/9/leo_lion_by_gie.jpg[/img] Name: Frederick Harrowitz Gender: Male Furry Species: Lion Age: 32 Height: 6'5 Weight: 220 lb. Personality: FrederickHarrowitz is a serious man. He's serious about his job, his freetime, every aspect ofnhis life. Is it maybe a little too far? Sometimes... but its better safe than sorry. He believes the law should be followed, and can't stand when its broken, often going out of his way to deal with law breakers. But, whats even more important than the law, is punishment. Those who break the law need to be punished, otherwise whats the point? This is why he couldn't be a cop, again ang again wrongdoers were let off scot free for one reason or another, and again and again he broke regulation so that they got what they deserved. Biography: The streets are filled with filth. Scum and villainy run free in this town, always have. The cops aren't equipped well enough, and are rife with corruption. Beleive me, I use to be a cop. A veteran detective on the force I brought in scum on the regular, if anything I was to good. A few times the mob or someone else tried to take me out, had some real close calls where only lady luck managed to save me. Eventually, I couldn't take it, not only was I risking my neck to bring in criminals but several just kept getting let out. I wanted to dole out real punishment but restrained myself... until one day. Guy was a real peace of work, thief and murderer, repeat offender hell even a rapist. Unfourtanetly, he had it in with someone so he just kept getting let out everytime me or anyone else brought him in. I got fed up. I followed him one day, caught him trying to rob some store. He laughed when I pulled my gun, ready to get cuffed again. cuffs never came. He got a bullet instead. Turned in my badge before it became a thing, jumped ship and packed some things. I dissapeared for awhile in case his buddies were looking for me. When I came back the streets were still rife with scum... so I took things into my own hands. I wanted to help people, something hard to do in a corrupt PD. So, I opened my investigation agency. I'm working almost constantly. Assaults, kidnappings, a murder here and there... nothing to high brow. I usually get my man, but I don't turn in to the cops all the time. Sometimes I rough them up first, sometimes worse. Couple times I let the victims do what they wanted, whatever way these pricks got what they deserved. Now though, I've got a real big case. A mayoral candidate, murdered in cold blood... the M.O. Matches one of a few unsolved cases of mine... some real piece of work has been doing these... and I'm gonna stop them. No one's gonna get in my way. Inventory: Judge revolver, pack of cigarettes, black overcoat, lighter, mace spray, notebook Other: Has a Private detective agency, relatively low key about it to avoid attention from big names in the crime world or the cops. [/hider]