Vada watched the interaction before her skeptically. She wasn't sure if this man would be friend or foe, but she followed Miki's lead and bowed herself. She looked the man up and down a little confused. She wasn't standing in the best spot to see his face so she could only use her friends reaction. "Hello, sir. My name is Vada King, who might you be?" she asked politely. She made a silent prayer that this man wasn't too important. She would look like a complete idiot if she didn't know a head family. Although her knowledge of the higher ups was very limited. Her brother was the person who cared the most about stuff like that. She preferred not to engage with people that looked down on her. Maybe she heard his name then something would click inside her, but as of now she wasn't sure and based off Miki she wasn't sure she even wanted to know this man.