[b][center][color=#17c311][h3][i]Cyneburg[/i][/h3][/color] [color=#17c311]Location:[/color] A[s] trap [/s]friendly gathering of the races [color=#17c311]Interacting with:[/color] Cremwise[/center][/b] Well everyone decided that it was time to pack up, and head to the Orc camp, leaving Cremwise behind, not giving him any further thought. Well if nobody else was going to do anything with him, looks like dealing with the [s]swindler[/s] merchant would be up to her. She walked up behind the man and wrapped and arm around his shoulders, leaving her forearm dangling. His shoulders stiffened up and he slowly turned to face her. He knew he had no allies in this situation and no way out. If somebody turned into a massive snake and slowly squeezed the life out of him, no members of either group would bat an eyelash, and some might even cheer that snake on. [color=#17c311]"Sh sh sh shhhhh,"[/color] Cyne cooed in the old man's ear, [color=#17c311]"you don't have to worry your pretty little head. I hold no grudge against you even though you've made me use up 2 of my shapechanges today and ruined just about everyone's day. It's not really nature's way, revenge. I don't even have any rope on me, so I can't exactly bind you in that sort of fashion. Although I do have [i]other ways.[/i] Hopefully I won't have to use them. Now let's get along, okay? No funny business ♥."[/color] Cyne pulled Cremwise in even tighter and followed along with the rest of the group, Cremwise looking on the verge of a nervous breakdown.