Floating Cylinder City Sized Fortress Stats Size: Giant City Special properties: Can Fly and is propelled by magic The only way in or out of the fortress and it's various chambers is through teleportation Outer Defenses: Flamethrowers, arc throwers, machine gun nests, AA guns, artillery, cannons, archers, ect. The cylinder will be covered from top to bottom with sharp spikes and electric fencing. There would be openings and battlements for the above defenses. At the top of the Cylinder will contain magic pots that pour hot tar down the fortress, making it harder to climb and cling to surfaces. The pots take up more space on the inside than they appear, storing enough tar to cover the entire fortress and replenish in a manner of hours. There would also be gems studded in between the spikes, which would be enchanted to function similarly to cameras, and can see through the tar. Inner Defenses: Poison Gas trap rooms, Fire trap rooms, Liquid Nitrogen trap rooms, Swinging Sword trap rooms, Soul Trap rooms, Pit Spike trap rooms, Crushing Wall trap rooms, Hot Tar trap rooms, Sonic trap rooms, Flesh to Stone trap rooms, Arrow Slit and Murder hole trap rooms, etc. The majority of the cylinder is solid and has every square inch covered in protection runes that prevent incorporeal creatures from passing through the walls and adding extra protection to the walls, made out of Titanium reinforced with the souls of the damned, added with a thin layering of lead to deter some forms of magic scrying and mundane sensors. Inside are various large rooms garrisoned by entire legions of Levaloch (Warmonger) Devils, one of the most literally mechanical of all devils. Circling around these rooms is a huge labyrinth complex, filled to the brim with dead ends and death traps. The labyrinth does not actually lead anywhere, meant to confuse and take as many enemies as possible before breaching the main garrisons. Includes various garrison rooms, armories, libraries, cathedrals, vehicle and aircraft hangar bays, and a central warp pad located just above the core that is the primarily teleporter used as both an entrance and exit for entire legions of devils. Just beneath the primary warp pad lies the core, a giant room made out of micro sharpened Adamantium, enchanted with runes that prevent teleportation in or out of the room. The only way to get there is through a heavily guarded bridge, with archers and cannons from all directions firing onto it. The room itself has only one way in or out, a giant gate made from Adamantium. Inside the room is the power generator of the whole fortress, made up of millions of tortured souls. The room itself is cursed with an Anti-Life Shell spell, which repels any organic life forms from entering. Should they be able to get through the first barrier of force, their flesh will immediately start disintegrating. Inside is also a terminal used to control the power input. Should Horatio decide it is necessary, the terminal can be used to activate a 5 minute timed self destruct sequence. [@thewizardguy]