[@Lunarlors34] [h1][center][color=B22222]Dante[/color][/center][/h1] Dante couldn't help but smile When he learned woman(?) was okay. If she didn't seem so hurt at the beginning Dante probably would have scolded her for running into him like a jackass, but after apologize to him and bow a bunch of time it wouldn't seem right to scold her. [color=0000FF][i]I think she learned her lesson.[/i][/color] [quote][color=ed1c24]"Sorry 'bout that Sir I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you alright?"[/color][/quote] Though his ass was a bit sore from the fall it wasn't exactly a big deal, so he sugarcoated his answer a bit. [color=B22222]"Pfff the fall was nothing, I been through worse."[/color] He told her like didn't he didn't even mind. [quote][color=ed1c24]"I'm Avery Celestia, and you sir?"[/color][/quote] [color=B22222]I'm Dante, I'm kind of like a private law enforcer by trade."[/color] He told her. Though he may not admit it, this girl kind of cute and pretty, and her modest chest kind of made her more distinguish. Meanwhile, One of the tied up Bandits Dante is wheeling around raise his head and asked. [color=808080}"Did you say, Celestia, like the celestia family? Hey, hottie how about when I get this mess sorted out we go on a date."[/color] He asked her. Dante then signed. [color=B22222]"Before you answer that, please note that the goblin I have tied up there is wanted for assault with a deadly weapon,armed robbery, and kidnapping."[/color] Dante warned her. [color=B22222]"Unless you want a third lump on your head I suggested you shut up!"[/color] He yelled at the goblin in the cart with his fist raised.