Before we jump into things I'd like for you to read through this little opening piece where I'll tell you a bit about what I'm looking for here and go over a few reasonable guidelines that I'd like you to keep in mind while we roleplay. I intend this roleplay to feature some mature themes, smut to put it bluntly. Obviously that's not all I'm looking for so there will be a good balance of story behind it, but the inclusion of adult content absolutely precludes anyone under the age of 18 from join in. Please keep that in mind. This also means all roleplays will be held through the Guild's PM system. I'd also like my partners to be capable of putting out at least two paragraphs of text in each IC post, and try to uphold a certain standard of spelling and grammar. For the sake of neatness we will also be splitting the IC and OOC posts into separate threads. Should you need to put our rp on hold, or discontinue it completely, I only ask that you not disappear without a word. Even so much as a quick "Bye." is preferable. Right now that that is out of the way, and I do hope that you didn't just skip through it, we can get onto the main event. [hr][center][b][h1][color=f7941d]Sakura Beach Resort & Hot Spring[/color][/h1][/b][/center] For five years the Sakura Beach Resort has been a popular location for tourists, families, and couples on vacation. The white sandy beach and pools are an obvious draw for the summer months, while the sprawling, natural open air Hot Springs continue to draw in a crowd when the season turns cold, though they remain open to guests all year round. The resort's success has been in no small part to the tireless work and support of a small staff of young ladies and the keen administration of the Resort's founder and manager Takako Kujire. Sadly the elderly Ms Kujire, who ran Sakura Beach, recently passed away and, in her will, left ownership of the entire resort to the young women who worked for her. She had loved those girls like family and, having no children or grandchildren of her own, it was a natural step for her to leave the resort in their hands. Feeling that perhaps they might need an extra pair of hands to help around the place, the girls have agreed to place an advertisement asking for a new hire, even offering free room and board. An advertisement that [b]you[/b] have answered. [b][u][h3]Staff[/h3][/u][/b][Hider=Yukine Nakano] [img][/img] [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Occupation:[/b] Receptionist/Administrator [b]Background:[/b] Yukine was with Ms Kujire from the very begining, when the Sakura Beach Resort was first founded. As the elderly manager's health began to falter, Yukine found herself taking on more and more of the administrative duties around running the resort. Despite having inherited equal ownership of the resort with all the other girls, she has taken the role of de facto manager and the others defer to her in matters of management. Yukine can come off as straight laced and rather inflexible when it comes to matters of work-ethic, standards of conduct, and time management. No doubt this is merely a side effect of the stresses of running such a successful business. Nevertheless she manages to balance both the endless paperwork and other administrative duties, with manning her post at the front desk, and she does so with nary a sound of complaint.[/hider] [Hider=Rei Manabe] [img][/img] [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Occupation:[/b] Greeter [b]Background:[/b] With her open smile and bubbly personality, Rei makes the perfect friendly face for all guests of the resort to see when they first arrive at the resort. Her job involves acting as part guide and part poster girl. Directing vacationers to the various locations within the resort, answering questions, and generally just brightening up everyone's day with her ever cheerful presence.[/hider] [Hider=Harumi Nakamura] [img][/img] [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Occupation:[/b] Lifeguard/Beach Attendant [b]Background:[/b] Harumi is a never ending font of energy, a sporty girl with a serious competitive streak. She's never shy about flaunting her skills, or her other attributes. Harumi's job is quite simply to ensure that the beach remains clean and everyone who visits stays safe and has fun. When she isn't sitting up in her lifeguard chair or walking the beach, picking up the odd piece of discarded trash, you might find her taking on a guest in a game of volleyball or a quick swimming race. She simply can't turn down a challenge.[/hider] [Hider=Akira Takamastu] [img][/img] [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Occupation:[/b] Lifeguard/Swimming Instructor [b]Background:[/b] Akira's own personal kingdom is the Resort's indoor swimming pool, where she acts as lifeguard and teaches swimming classes. A girl who seems to feel more at home in the water than on land, Akira can also be intolerant of anything, or anyone, that interrupts the status quo. While all the other girls recognised the need of bringing in an extra pair of hands to help out around the resort, Akira was adamantly against the move, however she was outvoted.[/hider] [Hider=Makoto Shinotsuba] [img][/img] [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Occupation:[/b] Physical Activities Coordinator [b]Background:[/b] Makoto has always been a bit of a tomboy with a pretty big sporty streak. Her job at the resort is to oversee the Gym, Basketball Court, and Tennis Courts. She is also in charge of arranging and sometimes even running physical activities for the guest, such as sports and beach games, hikes, etc. [/hider] [Hider=Aki & Ako Fujiki] [img][/img] [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Occupation:[/b] Housekeeping [b]Background:[/b] As different as night and day. Aki is a social butterfly, into all things trendy and girly, while her twin sister, Ako, is more shy and a bit of a hipster. Despite their differences these two are practically inseparable. When not at their local high school, they work part time and on weekends as housekeepers, making sure the guest rooms and cabins are kept neat and tidy. [/hider] [i]And a number of other contractors and non-permanent staff[/i] [b]-------[/b] [hider=Character Application][b]*Image*[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Background:[/b][/hider]