[quote=@Dark Light] [@Rai] looking at the above system I think that any retaliation (ie dodge) should be done at a minus. The attacker should be at an advantage for making the move. Also will you be filling out those stats or us? Lastly I have just made an update to my back story, please check it out and let me know what you think. [/quote] That is a good point. I'll keep that in mind, likely throwing in a natural -1 to the evasion roll. I'll be filling this out myself. Then applying the rolls as necessary and linking the results in the OC. Then the players will know the results of their actions. It's coming together. The importance of your family does mean a lot. Otherwise you may have been a slave. Really like the design you're going for so far. Except for one part your bloodline must equal out at 100% when added up. So 40, 40, won't do. Needs to be 40, 60 or 50 / 50 Fuck these Korean spambots.