[center][color=7ea7d8][h2]~Kyojin~[/h2][/color] [@liferusher][@Rune_Alchemist][/center] Smiling brightly he could not help but accept his friends support, as little as he got he has always been strong enough to simply push through it and be tough, but sometimes it was just good to get it. With a chuckle and shake of his head he took another mighty sip of his ale, feeling the smooth alcohol refresh his throat and give his tired body a little bit of a jump start. [color=7ea7d8][b]"Well I have been thinking about hunting for a while, but since I am far too large for a normal bow and not really.. sneaky, I thought hunting something that actively tries to kill me would be a better fit! Bwahahaha!" [/b][/color] With a deep laugh he listened to the mans complaints about his inns rooms, of course that was a issue given that they were likely full of his junk.. Though that being said it was still very much HIS junk that needed to be cleaned out and then stored somewhere for them to become usable. Of course being not only Kondo's friend but also a all around kind giant he would offer to help him out, though he never expected anything to come of it. After all the man was only interested in making some money off the place before he sold it on, well that and the basically free ale and the like that he could chug down day after day! [color=7ea7d8][b]"Well, if you ever need help cleaning them up just ask... Do you hear something?" [/b][/color] Turning his head past Kondo he spotted the black ears first and then the blur that followed, it almost running right off the balcony and down into the street! With reflexes not normally seen in his race he raised his hand in front of the women to prevent her from going any further, he would feel bad if she went splat! Thankfully she had the good sense to stop, still she was so full of energy he half expected her to just bounce right off! [color=7ea7d8][b]"Umm..." [/b][/color] Following the raising motion he placed a hand on the back of his head and stroked it as he peered over to Kondo, wondering if he had anything to add to the frantic repeating of his name. Still what really caught his attention back was the mention of finding a girl, and at first he was going to congratulate her on finding someone, until she said she was lost.... [b][color=7ea7d8]"Keeping a lost person is against the law, I am pretty sure of it... I think. Well at least she knows our names now. Where is she?"[/color][/b]