Rather than procrastinating from my posts on this RP by playing luftrausers, I got some progress tonight! Two out of six parts of Conata's growing up post are done! [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/N3Z0w7EX2md0Y/giphy.gif[/img] I feel good! I think I might try for a bit more so I can continue procrastinating from uni work by writing for this RP. [hider=Also, stand part 3 is progressing. Here's a sneak peek.] The red insignia's origin could be processed in the time it took for Tular to react to the ringing of chains from behind himself; not long enough. Wickedly barbed, mace-like weights spun around each of Tular's wrists, wrapping them in equally vicious porcelain links. An incredible tug from both chains shunted the hain's body around like a puppet. His eyes found the second challenger. [/hider]