[color=004b80][center][h1] Grant Holiday [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/7294/th/pre/f/2012/094/2/7/prince_by_leejun35-d4uym96.jpg[/img] [/hider] Grant explored the house a bit, not wanting to leave the house yet. He kept almost bumping into the house servants, nervously avoiding eye contact. He had no idea how this side of the social class lived. But from what he saw, they lived almost like the lower class. except of course she had more rooms in her house, and bathrooms, and everything was bigger. Grant examined the pictures on the walls, the artworks, and the fancy valuables on the table stands in the halls. Grant finished exploring the house, and as he walked back to his room, he spotted the vampire women who had helped him. Nora. Nora was mounting a horse at the moment, and to Grant it seemed like a mysterious thing to do. It wasnt so much odd to him, as it was that he was curious how she could tame the wild beast like that horse. Kyle preferred smaller animals, such as small dogs and pigs. Grant walked outside, and leaned against the wall watching Nora. [@wick]