[b][center][h1][color=ed1c24]Avery Ackbar Celestia[/color][/h1][/center][/b] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/n4mq0vg.png[/img] [@demonspade64][/center] Avery couldn't help but raise his eyebrow slightly at Dante's response. So he was a 'private law enforcer' then? To Avery that meant bounty hunter or mercenary. Not that Dante being one of them bother the young trap much. In fact his attire pretty much screamed such a thing to Avery. After all, bounty hunters and mercenaries had their position in the justice system and offered a line of work so they were important. Avery himself would've loved to have become a bounty hunter actually; but he loved being Vesta's attendant far too much. Oh that and the FAR easier life he had being in a rich household. That was a pretty big bonus to him rather than roughing it up by sleeping outdoors. He needed his beauty sleep after all if he wanted to keep his deceptive appearance up! [color=ed1c24]"Oh really? So like a bounty hunter? Or a vigilante?"[/color] Avery clasped his hands together in a rather cutesy and cheerful manner now. He totally had these guys convinced he was a girl at this stage, not that anyone could blame them. He always put on a rather convincing act which he had mastered these last eight years. [color=ed1c24]"I've always admired those sort of people...so strong, so full of conviction. They have no ties to anyone, and of course they're mysterious and cool."[/color] Avery added with a giggle as he walked over and placed a foot underneath his staff. Half glancing over his shoulder at the goblin currently hitting on him, he shoot him a flirty grin before kicking up his staff. Effortlessly catching it in mid-air Avery quickly spun around with his hands behind his back and skipped over to the bandit. [color=ed1c24]"I wouldn't mind too much actually...but my mistress might. She's always telling me not to go off with random men I've just met. Such a bore."[/color] Avery pouted slightly before lightly bonking him on the head with his staff, his mischievous smile returning as too the glint in his eye. Almost as if he realised something important, Avery looked upwards and allowed his fist to fall into his open palm. [color=ed1c24]"Oh and I totally forgot I hate goblins. Especially one as ugly such as yourself. Sorry~"[/color] Avery loved being such a huge tease. And the goblin had made it so easy to mock and tease him at the same time. With that insult done, Avery now began skipping back over to Dante, a quite content smile spread across his feminine face. [color=ed1c24]"Though I wouldn't mind going on one with you Mr Dante."[/color] Avery gave Dante a teasing wink before turning away and giggling. Almost as if embarrassed. [color=ed1c24]"Although that's only if you can help me hide. My mistress is quite cross with me right now, that's why I was running. She gets quite scary when angry so maybe lying low would be a good idea for the rest of the day."[/color]