[@Leslie Hall] So what would you feel would be a natural or fun relationship dynamic for them to have as mountain-mates? I doubt their lusus would be particularly happy about leshas visiting much given their over protective nature, but I leave that to your discretion. Given the age difference I see her having sort of a big sister vib to the friendship. Any thoughts/suggestions there? [@hagroden] I am hella down for us getting our black-rom on. Though given leshas's cheery nature she is likely going to be playing hard to get on that xD she going to be resistant to the idea of being in that sort of relationship for various reasons but would totally be drawn to it with him just by the very nature of their comparability for it. Thoughts on that, or maybe thoughts on past events between the pair of them that could be influential moments in the formation of their black rom? [@effervescentF][@UnknownScarlet4] I could easily see leshas having some pale feelings for Valent or Aleida, for some what different reasons, though not completely dissimilar. Aleida seems to need some cheering up, and leshas could probably use some toning down and introspection. Similarly I could see leshas wanting to help with velant's nervousness by being a positive ray of sunshine in their life as well as reviving a heathy reminder to be cautious and not so blindly optimistic all the time. I could honestly see leshas having trouble deciding who her pale feelings lean more towards :/ [@Nerevarine] I fee like these two would have a good friendship based on mutual respect for one anouther work ethic and artistic efforts. Leshas isn't much for mechanics and can go through quite a few drills in her tunneling, and it sounds as if your troll needs a lot of raw materials. I feel there could be a mutually beneficial exchange of services there. Likewise I think leshas would enjoy talking about their artistic persists especial if they have appreciation/constructive criticism to offer on her jewelry efforts.