Sam's head was racing with thoughts, most of them scary. [i]Oh my gosh, what was that light? Was that the same light as before I was born? If that light got the amount of births reduced, what if this light actually nullified them? What if no one is going to be born at all? What if this is the end of humanity?![/i] He spaced out, hearth thumping rapidly, until the girl from before came to him again and asked him if he was alright. "Y-yeah, I-I'm just surprised by the light, a-among other things." However, now he got his head focused again, he noticed something. Even though it was already late, he didn't feel tired. He could almost say he felt a bit energetic. "B-by the way, a-about that cola. D-do you have something with less sugar instead?" He asked, almost whispering that last sentence. He didn't really like to ask something so bold. Even though others would have no problem with it, asking people to change his order seemed very rude to himself.