[hider=Maya Campbell] [center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/148183746/large.jpg[/img] [h2][color=palevioletred]NAME[/color][/h2] Maya Campbell [h2][color=palevioletred]ALIAS[/color][/h2] Steele [h2][color=palevioletred]GENDER[/color][/h2] Female [h2][color=palevioletred]AGE[/color][/h2] 19, turning 20 [h2][color=palevioletred]LENGTH[/color][/h2] 5’2 [h2][color=palevioletred]WEIGHT[/color][/h2] 104 [h2][color=palevioletred]GENERAL APPEARENCE[/color][/h2] Maya is considered very small, she’s quite short and she does not weigh a lot either. She has had quite a struggle with her weight as she’s been on the verge of being considered underweight almost all her life. She simply can not put on weight, which some may find a dream come true. But truth is, Maya absolute hates it as this obviously results in her being completely flat-chested. If she wanted to go without a bra, there would be no problem at all. She has a struggle feeling feminine due to her boyish figure, which have led to her both wearing a lot of makeup (usually more than in the picture) and also wearing skirts or dresses most of the time. Due to her non-existent curves and her sweet face, few people believe her when she tells them she’s almost 20 years old. Especially is she’s not wearing any makeup, then she barely looks 15. [h2][color=palevioletred]COSTUME[/color][/h2] [url=https://secure.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-thing/size/orig/tid/166883103.jpg]Black cargo pants[/url] and black boots (something similar to dr. martens). She also wears a [url=https://secure.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-thing/size/orig/tid/181290033.jpg]long, oversized leather coat[/url] and underneath that she just wears a simple, black tanktop. She has a weapons belt around her waist where she keeps her knife and her handgun. She has some kind of metal on her left fist to increase the damage when hitting her enemies. The reason she does not have this on both fists is because the metal might impair her ability to grip and hold things and she uses her right hand when shooting/using her knife. [h2][color=palevioletred]POWERS/ABILITIES[/color][/h2] Maya’s power is actually super strength, which quite a number of people find very ironic considering her body type. She has no muscles what so ever, which have led her to find a pleasure in surprising people by lifting very heavy things all of a sudden. Not one person would guess her power is super strength, they barely even believe it when someone tells them about it. A lot of people have to actually witness is themselves before believing it. The super strength affects her whole body system which results in her being able to take a lot more damage than normal people before passing out or dying. [h2][color=palevioletred]POWER GRADE[/color][/h2] 4. She has trouble controlling her power, but the actual strength of the power is amazing, she can lift around 2500 lbs. [h2][color=palevioletred]SKILLS[/color][/h2] Maya is very athletic and flexible. These two skills are probably something that has developed throughout the years as a gymnast. Her slim figure also helps out when it comes to this, since it allows her to make her way through very small spaces. She can make her way through almost any obstacle course in no time. [h2][color=palevioletred]EQUIPMENT[/color][/h2] She has knife and also a handgun, though she only uses the gun in emergencies. She prefers to rely on her fists and her knife, since she’s a lot better at that than at aiming and shooting. [h2][color=palevioletred]HISTORY & PERSONALITY[/color][/h2] Maya was born into a very wealthy family. She never had to worry about anything. If she did something stupid - it could be anything from accidentally breaking a valuable vase to skipping class - her parents always took care of it. Because of this she often acts before she thinks. Overall, she had a really good childhood and upbringing. Her biggest problem was her constant competition with her sister, Lara. Lara is two years younger than Maya and they used to fight about pretty much anything. Since Maya’s power started getting out of control, they haven’t fought as much though. Maya thinks it’s because Lara is afraid of her (which breaks Maya’s heart) but Lara denies that is the reason every time Maya even imply it. Anyways, it’s most likely from all the fighting with her sister that Maya have become so stubborn. She literally never gives up an argument, not even if the other person has proven she’s the one who’s wrong. She always wants to have right. In her defense though, she actually is right most of the time. Being born into a wealthy family also led to Maya getting a great education, hence her being right most of the time. She’s very smart and clever, but she can also be quite arrogant from time to time. In conclusion she is a “typical rich kid”; arrogant and spoiled, but well-mannered when she wants to be.[/center] [/hider] Please tell me if there is anything I need to or should change. Perhaps her power grade? I was very uncertain about that one.