The creature on board Mischa's ship didn't seem to struggle very much once the airlocks were sealed. The creature stood up on two legs, took a less apprehensive form, and glared across Mischa's room curiously. "Get away from the Yaridon Cruiser!" it shouted, unsure if anyone could even hear it. For all it knew, this little ship was auto-piloted. Of course, auto-piloted ships had a much higher rate of disappearance in the Beta sector for some reason or another. Perhaps it was because of creatures like this one with the apparent ability to [i]warp[/i] through space. The Yaridon cruiser began to pull Mischa's ship closer to it, opening a relatively large set of doors that could [i]easily[/i] accommodate a much larger ship. Within, it was plainly visible that this was a docking bay. But there were hundreds of small ships scattered across the dark runway that ran deep into the mystery ship, some of which looked eerily similar to the Numinous. The pull on Mischa ship began to increase, originating from a strange beam-like contraption that lit the edge of the loading bay's runway with a smooth neon blue array of rounded lights. "If anyone is there, turn around! You'll be trapped!" The alien prisoner shrieked, frantically clawing at the reinforced blast doors to no avail.