[hr][hr] [h1][color=9e005d]Stehrr[/color][/h1] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/25cf4f813636cca34507de417b225ede/tumblr_o3zk89BU681qjl1wro2_500.gif[/img] [hr] [b]Location:[/b] The Raven, cockpit --> His quarters --> Main Hold [hr] [b][color=00ff99]"I really hope that was wookie for [i]I got you all some strawberries[/i],"[/color][/b] Sutton chuckles in amusement, and Stehrr simply shrugs in response. [color=9e005d][b]"《No strawberries, no. Stehrr has not eaten strawberries in very long time.》"[/b] [/color] the Wookiee mumbled, almost wistfully. One thing, other than tinkering and piloting, that was guaranteed to get Stehrr in a chatty mood was conversations regarding food. Stehrr was, most definitely, the equivalent of a walking garbage bin. He would literally eat anything, in fact he ate almost constantly, and became terribly grouchy if he hadn't had food in a while. Now Sutton's mention of strawberries was making Stehrr hungry. He leaned across the control cluster, slapping a large and furry paw down onto the autopilot switch. The course had been plotted, so the ship could be left to steer itself through hyperspace for a while so that he could attend the routine strategy talk with the rest of the Raven's crew members. Growling a pleasant, but temporary, farewell to Luke and Sutton, the Wookiee pilot shuffled past Gol as she entered the bridge and headed into his section of the crew quarters. The others would take long enough to gather that he could detour to get something to eat first and still be on time to attend the whole meeting. Stehrr rummaged in his personal stash of food, picking out a few items which he carried back to the main hold with him, where the rest of their companions would soon join them. Flopping down heavily into a seat, Stehrr munched away while waiting for everyone else to gather for Luke's usual debriefing of the mission they would be undertaking on Tatooine. [hr] [hr] [h1] [color=8493ca]Denali Keesda[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/2cec8a9b2e5c89c25c096c2cc41c7134/tumblr_n86t0aFu3N1rt9t65o6_250.gif[/img] [hr] [b]Location:[/b] The Raven, medical bay --> main hold [hr] Nali nodded his head, listening patiently as Gol chattered on about her day's plans. He wouldn't dare voice it out loud for fear of hurting his friend's feelings, but sometimes he did worry that Gol worked too hard. One of these days, the mechanic was going to work herself into the ground, literally; Nali just knew it. [b][color=8493ca]"Uh huh, sure..."[/color][/b] the medic replied, as patient as ever with her protests. [b][color=8493ca]"Artie's been powered down since her circuits got fried, Gol. She's not gonna go anywhere if you have to take it easy for a while."[/color][/b] Nali reminded her, his pale eyes flicking up to meet her gaze as his voice took on a slightly more stern tone. The doctor's instructions were non-negotiable, no matter how much Gol would try to protest against them. Satisfied that the compress was sufficiently secure, Nali rose to his feet again and gave the Zabrak a wave of dismissal. Almost before he had lifted his hand to make the gesture, Gol had sprung to her feet and was limping (most likely as fast as she could) for the medbay door. Nali turned sharply on his heel to scowl sternly at the mechanic, but before he could open his mouth to utter another protest, Gol's hands were raised, palms outwards, in a reassuring manner. [b][color=f9ad81]"I'm not gonna touch a hydrospanner just yet."[/color] [/b] she promised him, backing out into the hold. [b][color=f9ad81]"Just gonna wash this grease off of me, then get something to drink."[/color] [/b] The doctor nodded, satisfied that she would hold to the promise, and returns to packing away the equipment he had been using earlier. [b][color=8493ca]"Nah, don't worry about it, but thanks."[/color][/b] he shook his head in response to her question. [b][color=8493ca]"I'll get something myself in a sec, sure Luke wants to brief us all soon anyway."[/color][/b] when he was satisfied that everything was in its proper place, where he could easily find it later, Nali made his way out to join Stehrr in the hold. He didn't usuallly stay for the whole briefing, since he rarely joined the others on their escapades now that he had put his soldier days behind him, but it was always beneficial for Nali to sit in on the beginning of the talk to get a feel for the current situations regarding the locals and trading posts on the planet they would be touching down on.