[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/14203142_1092482474172146_2497765094581874820_n.jpg?oh=3ae5c3e2a8fde98ab31c4b152430be4b&oe=583D9EF3&__gda__=1480461475_73fc60123b75a695f1f4942cc065c030[/img] The RP is about a Mercenary Guild known as "Company 666" or simple "666" as all the members have the numbers tattooed in their bodies. They take all kind of jobs, from repairing a roof to hunting down a dangerous beasts or killing bandits. The Fame of the 666: The 666 is famous due to their totally unprofessional way of working, always causing the clients more problems than solutions, one example is when they were asked to help building a ship, they wanted to do they job as fast as possible so they decided it would be a great idea to travel to another country and steal a ship of similar characteristics. Fortress: Their base is located in the mountains near the Imperial Capital, Marmil. The Fortress is quite old and some parts crumbled during a natural dissaster centuries ago. The parts that can still be used are: 1-Main Room: The biggest room of the Fortress, lots of tables and chairs , the bar and the Jobs Board is here. 2-Kitchen: A small room to which can be accessed through a small door behind the bar of the main room 3-Barracks: The guild members can sleep there if they wish or sleep in their houses. The barracks are unisex. 4-Bathrooms: a large room with a huge Roman-style bath. 5-Watch Tower: Not used at all, though it's great for those who love watching the sunset ---Character Sheet--- (Anime Picture) Name: Age: Clothes: Armor?: Weapons?: Tattoo location: Bio (Optional): More Info you want to add?: