Pretty much the same sheet from last time. [b]Player Name:[/b] Heat [b]Character Name:[/b] Michael [b]Character Age:[/b] Appears to be in his mid twenties, was created on the Vitae within the past year. [b]Character Gender:[/b] Masculine [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Face][img][/img][/hider]Michael stands 6 feet exactly, his frame is lean. He appears externally human with no blemishes or scars. His medium brown hair is not really hair, it does not grow, he also can't grow facial hair. His skin is a synthetic fiber that feels like real skin but is almost plastic in its composition. His eyes are a deep blue. [b]Profession:[/b] Michael was designed to work with the ship's scientists for whatever task they require, he also answers to anyone listed in his programming as a 'superior'. [b]Nationality:[/b] Synthetic android [b]Strengths:[/b] [list][*] He has a near encyclopedic knowledge of recorded human history. He can recall any point if asked to. Also will constantly add to this knowledge over the [i]Vitae's[/i] journey. [*] He also possesses a deep knowledge of many different types of sciences, comparable to a supercomputer. [*] Michael is stronger, faster and better coordinated than a human being. But his strength is not superhuman by any means. It's comparable to modern, lesser advanced robots. Still greater than the average man's [*] He was given a fully functional, detailed personality. Designed to be as human-like as possible in this aspect. He can easily blend in and appear fully human. [*] He knows how to make basic repairs to himself and has a tool kit within his quarters. More complex injuries require his creator's assistance. [*] Michael does not need to eat, drink, sleep or breath. He can survive in an oxygen-less environment. [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list][*] Michael was programmed to never harm another human being, even if he is being attacked. Violence against humans is something that would never occur in his mind. As stereotypical as it seems he was programmed with Asimov's three laws of robotics. [*] He freely thinks but does not have free will, whatever his creators ask he will do. As long as what is asked of him is within his programming. [*] His personality is very naive, he was given emotions but does not really understand what its like to be human. He'll often ask 'odd' questions about human nature and has an almost child-like curiosity about life. [*] He does not feel empathy, if told something that would cause an emotional response in a human he will often stare blankly and appear unaffected, not sure how to react. [*] Michael does not bleed, this would give away to someone that doesn't already know that he is not a real human. Internally he is filled with complex machinery, externally he appears fully human. [*] His body is quite fragile, his skeleton is sturdy but many of his internal mechanisms are vulnerable. His central processor is located in his head, if that is damaged enough then he will shut down. [*] His programming is susceptible to modifications, if someone wanted to modify him for whatever reason then they could and he would be forced to adjust to it. [*] If his serial number (MHSA276012) is read out loud enough for him to hear then he will shut down on the spot. [/list] [b]Personal Effects:[/b] Michael does not have many personal possessions, in his room he only has a small wardrobe of clothes and his repair kit. [b]Bio:[/b] Michael was constructed by the Vitae's scientists, the concept for the creation of a humanoid synthetic only something seen in science fiction until then. Robotics and artificial intelligence are both something the human race is familiar with, but Michael is something completely different. If God made humans in his image, then Michael was made in his own creator's image as well. His creation was a hotly debated subject amongst the few that actually knew of the idea, some frowned upon it, others saw it as a necessity. If we were gathering the greatest of our species, then why not simply create one that would be destined for greatness? They had the technology, no one just had ever given serious thought to creating a truly synthetic man. The cost of his creation was a high one, but money was not an issue when the survival of the human race was at stake. It took some time to build him, they started from scratch and spent every dime required to make him perfect. It was not rushed, every single moment of it was monitored closely to ensure perfection. They could not afford any failures with such a delicate operation. Early on in the android's creation some within the team voiced a concern to limit their machine man, they ultimately decided to treat him the same as their artificial intelligence. Michael was given the ability to freely think but not freely act, though his programming left opportunities for modifications. He would answer wholly to those that made him, do whatever was asked without hesitation. After months of focus and dedication the synthetic man was completed. The final touch was to give him a name, Micheal, there was a certain irony in bestowing a biblical name upon the android but it was oddly fitting. For the past few days he has sat in deactivation, tightly locked away until the moment is right. At his creator's blessing Micheal will be 'born'. [b]Code Word:[/b] Who lives in a [i]pineapple[/i] under the sea?