[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmU2NzAwYS5RV0pwWjJGcGJDQk1iM2RsLjAA/niagra-faults.regular.png[/img] Abigail had noticed Jacques looking at her in the middle of his speech. [color=f7941d]Is he saying I shouldn't be here?[/color] she thought, scowling at the implication. Just cause she wasn't originally meant to get the Pokedex, didn't mean she had any less right to be here. Weren't the Elite Four supposed to be nicer than this? Like, inspire new trainers or something? Not be all arrogant like this guy. Although now that she thought about it, being an Elite Four member just meant you were good at battling. Being nice to people didn't really come into it. She did find his reaction to Professor Kalmia's comment pretty funny, and snickered a little while he was busy getting flustered. As for the earlier stuff that the Professor was saying, Abigail didn't pay that much attention to it. After all, she'd already kinda decided that she was going down route 1, and that was that. Maybe she could find some other people to travel with before she headed off, though. For now, she kind of had other priorities. Like making Mr. Elite Four eat his words. [color=f7941d]He thinks I've not got ability, huh? Like I just lucked out?[/color] Keeling down to return Winston to his Pokeball, she spoke softly to the Pokemon. [color=f7941d]"I promise you'll be out again in a little while, okay? I've just gotta show this guy, alright?"[/color] she said, returning him to his ball before turning to look at Jacques. She seemed a little hostile - his little comments earlier seemed to have struck a nerve, and her eyes shone with determination as she glared at him. [color=f7941d]"I'll do it, then. Are you gonna go get your oh-so-special trainer team, mister? 'Cause I kinda want to get on with starting my journey if you're not."[/color] After all, Abigail had herself a legend to write! Every good hero needed a rival, though, so she guessed she could take a moment to have a battle. She needed to prove that she was more than just some kind of charity case! She couldn't just take that kind of thing lying down. [hr] [hider=POKEMON]WINSTON [img]http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/b0/Spr_6x_194_m.png[/img] Wooper (♂) Level: 5 Moves:[list][*] [color=darkturquoise]Water Gun[/color] [*]Tail Whip [*][color=Peru]Mud Sport[/color][/list] Ability: Water Absorb (Healed by water-type moves) Held Item: N/A [/hider] [hider=BAG]Items:[list][*] 1x Potion [*]Pokedex[/list] Pokédollars: 500p[/hider]