[hider=Stone Mistress] [center][color=linen][b][h2]The Advent[/h2][/b][/color][img]http://i.imgur.com/gorBqfN.jpg[/img] An unholy infusion of man and machine, Advents are the primary product of the Stone Mistress program. The process of creating Advents uses specialized, experimental nanites to "reprogram" the human body to better serve Stone Mistress' self established purpose. The tiny robots hijack the hosts neural networks, and alter the host's form. The glowing teal lines on the Advents body is actually a viscous fluid the nanites use to preserve necessary organic structures. However, the Advent is neither living, nor dead, but a vessel intended to carry out a purpose. Although, due to the experimental nature of the nanites, it's not perfect. Advents are about twice as strong as a normal person but their speed is about average. Their senses are poor as the body relies on the nanites for visual and audio. Advents only walk when there is no visible target, or when hunting a target that has been lost. When pursuing and attacking, the Advent sprints, and since it does not breath, it does not tire, it does not feel pain. The only reason Advents make noise in the first place is in an attempt to intimidate their prey, which they do with bloodthirsty, human like shrieks. The creature is fairly smart, and knows how to target weak points in armor, and to flip a vehicle. However, they lack the finesse of precision motor skills for guns. Melee weapons are also seen as inefficient compared to their spike-esque claws which are designed more for puncturing and less for tearing. Advents are completely self sufficient, but are still linked to Stone Mistress. Advents can take damaged bodies and repair them, since they modify the integrity of the host anyways. However, nanites do not act as viruses. It takes time to modify and establish. Nanites are transferred orally, and once inside a new host they begin to encase the body in a fleshy cocoon. Fortunately, Advents do not need to take live targets, and are guaranteed to make a corpse before capturing a hostage. Advents are not created for climbing, but have capable pathing processes. The best way to kill an Advent is to shoot it in the head, causing extensive damage to the core process and crashing the rest of the nanites. Damaging the heart will also crash the system, as it is still used to pump the preservation fluid through the body. Otherwise, the Advent can sustain any amount of damage until one of those two core functions are disabled. An Electro-Magnetic Pulses or anything that disrupts or absorbs core energy will temporarily shutdown Advents, until the nanites can bring themselves back online. It should also be noted that Advent do not actively seek clothes, but will retain whatever they were wearing during the metamorphic process. Should those garments be lost, well, Advent don't have genitalia anyways. Also of note, All Advent avoid brightly lit areas, a downside to the prototype nanites—Being that the nanites seize up when directly exposed to light. It's speculated that this has something to do with core energy. Shining a light directly at the creature's face will blind it, yet it will continue to attack blindly. Flash bangs and flash concussive will stun the creatures, and well lit areas will deter the creatures from entering. Specifically an Advent caught beneath bright lights will being to short circuit, and die within about half a minute. Slang References: Ados, Deados, Ferals, Aboms, Necros [color=linen][b][h2]Advent Hound[/h2][/b][/color][img]http://i.imgur.com/ofGAlzs.jpg?1[/img] Much like the Advent, Advent Hounds only differ on the fact that they are created to seek and destroy. Although much weaker in strength, the Advent hounds have keener senses, and can track a target by scent alone. These hounds typically roam in packs of three to six, and remain linked to Stone Mistress. They have the same weaknesses as the Advent, but the hounds cannot create Advent. Hounds are not directly hosted into a body, as the humanoid Advent above. Instead, Hounds are derived from re-purposed genetic material from other animals. Anything larger than a medium dog is used as a source, and since the Hounds do not actively require a brain, larger sources can yield more hounds. Since the creature lacks a heart to manipulate in order to pump preservation fluid, Advent Hounds require nanites to actively circulate the liquid. This means that hounds take much longer to create than their humanoid variants. Slang References: Hound, Ado Mutt, Ado Mongrel, Deado Dog, Hell Hound [/center][/hider][hider=Stone Mason] [center][color=linen][b][h2]Cipher[/h2][/b][/color][img]http://i.imgur.com/lVRLiRe.jpg[/img] Ciphers are the eight foot tall staple soldier for Stone Mason. Made of of thick, nearly impenetrable armor, even one of these autonomous robots are extremely difficult to deal with. Albeit, this machine does not have a quick production style, and is far less numerable than The Advent. Ciphers have incredible raw strength, but move at less than average speeds. However, the advanced propulsion system on its shoulders allow it to fly, even then its top flight speed is about thirty miles per hour. A solid wall of metal and machinery, Ciphers do not feature many weaknesses. There are the obvious ones, electro-magnetic pulses, and core energy disruptions—but even those are temporary. It is completely invulnerable to regular ballistics, and proves heavily resistant to armor piercing rounds. Laser weaponry is slightly more effective, but one must spend a decent amount of time eating through its armor. Gauss weaponry is only a little better than that, but still require many rounds to puncture its exterior. The two best methods of fighting a Cipher are plasma based weapons, which will eventually melt through the armor without too much stimulation, and also serves to disrupt the Ciphers visual feeds. The best method of killing a walking tank, is with an anti-tank weapon, for obvious reasons. Ciphers are quite advanced, but even their aiming scripts aren't perfect. Fortunately, Ciphers typically carry heavy variants of conventional weapons: Heavy assault rifles that function more like a machine gun; impressively large two gauge shotguns; and use heavier weapons with ease. All Ciphers typically carry a smaller secondary weapon on them as well, smaller meaning: .577 caliber pistols. Ciphers have great night vision optics and thermal optics. The only known small arms weakness to A Cipher are their well covered joint areas, with gaps just wide enough to slip a blade into. However, miss timing such a feat is likely to get the weapon caught between the Cipher's armor plates. Timing and precision for such a take down must be excellent. Slang References: [color=linen][b][h2]Juggernaut[/h2][/b][/color][img]http://i.imgur.com/lhvhlig.jpg[/img] When the earth shakes and the thunder calls, you may just have a Juggernaut on your hands. Hide your kids, and hide your wife, because this bad boy has one sole purpose—Extinction. Fifteen feet high, and another five for the missile pods, the Juggernaut cannot, and I repeat, cannot be stopped by conventional weaponry, gauss or not. With a staggering weight of 102 tons, the Juggernaut is a hulking mass of armor and weaponry. It holds two 152mm cannons, Which are the equivalent of a pre-Arkhean Howitzer Artillery Cannon; two dual-barrel 25mm machine guns, and four rocket pods holding ten HE missiles each. All of these weapons are mounted on the upper turret, which features full three-hundred and sixty degree rotation. In surviving texts, only a single Juggernaut was ever recorded. It's probably still there. The down side is that the Juggernaut has an astounding speed of about 6-8 miles per hour, on level terrain, with no obstacles. Primary method of long distance transportation require Ciphers to break it down into smaller pieces, and reassemble it elsewhere. An electro-magnetic pulse, or core energy disruption can temporarily disable the Juggernaut, but either of these methods must be substantially powerful. Slang References: Behemoth, Titan [/center][/hider]