[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ff00]Jack Hudson[/color][/h1][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/7325abbcf84dca029ba798c9d4b8d406/tumblr_inline_nuo55yuagR1qlt39u_500.gif[/img][hr]Location: Building 7 (Rec Center) ---> Front Outer Wall[/center][hr][hr]Jack had started to take off after Tati, and he nearly slapped himself on the head. They'd been forced to undergo mandatory sensitivity training back on the force, and disabilities were (supposedly) included in that. He gripped the handles of Sophia's wheelchair, smiling pleasantly at her, though anyone could see the worry etched into his face. Either way, Tatiana would end at one extreme. She would either be ridiculously happy or incredibly crestfallen. [color=00ff00]"'Course,"[/color] Jack replied, obliging the girl. He quickly wheeled her outside into the streets, catching sight of Tatiana as she began to run towards the inner gate. [color=00ff00]"Dunno if this was what you had in mind an' all,"[/color] Jack apologized, as he continued to push Sophia's chair, consistently running about thirty seconds behind Tatiana. While he could've easily cleared the distance himself, the pressure on the chair's handles only aggravated his wounded hand, and additionally, he didn't want Sophia to fall out from sudden starts and stops. The gatekeeper seemed to shake their head at the two of them, and Jack awkwardly smiled. [color=00ff00]"I'm, uh, I'm with the Russian gal,"[/color] he explained, before dashing through with Sophia, taking care not to let the wheels get caught on any rocks or stones in their path. He was fairly certain the sensitivity training mentioned something about [i]not[/i] further injuring the disabled. Seeing Tatiana dash up a flight of stairs, Jack slowed down, now walking Sophia towards the wall. He'd feel like an ass if he abandoned her at the bottom, and he doubted she'd take kindly to him carrying her up there. Setting the chair to a stop, Jack smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head. [color=00ff00]"Her, uh, her friend went missin',"[/color] he explained to Sophia. [color=00ff00]"Been 'bout a month since Tati saw the gal."[/color] His smile faded into a grimace. He knew that with each passing day, the odds that Tatiana would ever find Davi again diminished. He'd racked his brains for a logical explanation that involved Davi escaping the DMV and simply not finding them for a month, but he couldn't come up with one. She was likely dead--something he knew Tatiana couldn't face yet. [color=00ff00]"Do, uh, do tons of people show up all the time like this?"[/color] he asked. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#cc6699]Édouard Riviere[/color][/h1][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/8929303961c05962d24cf4e61c8e5c78/tumblr_inline_mw07z8ELRW1s73t47.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: [i]Dans La Rue[/i][/center][hr][hr]He continued to frown, pulling out his cutlass. The pain in his leg was forgotten, becoming something of the past. He ignored Amelia's shrieking words, making a mental note, however, to work with her on pronunciation. She was slaughtering the beautiful language, the language of love and of power. [color=cc6699]"Ma sœeur, Alisanne...Elle saurait qu'est-ce que c'est..."[/color] he stroked his hands over his mustache briefly, tapping the spikes with his sword. Walkers didn't drive cars. There was no reason for spikes to be placed in the road. As he saw Lana pull out her gun, Édouard's suspicions were confirmed. This [i]had[/i] to be an attack against [i]la mafia française![/i] He took up his rapier in his other hand, prepared to show off perhaps the only thing in the world he was good at, beyond putting too much product in his hair. [color=cc6699]"Amélie, Lana, je suis dans la mafia française,"[/color] Édouard explained, his stare dramatic and tense. [color=cc6699]"Courez. Ils me veulent."[/color] Checking his 3 in 1 survival whistle, Édouard frowned at it. It continued to read something upwards of ninety degrees, and he stared at his skin. Perhaps they were in hell, none of this had been real. He wouldn't have put it past Alisanne to murder him, in order to secure her succession to leader of [i]la mafia française.[/i] From his backpack, he pulled out the battered French-English dictionary, a majority of its pages illegible. He handed it over to Amélie. [color=cc6699]"Lisez ça,"[/color] Édouard instructed. [color=cc6699]"Ton français occasionne mes oreille saignent."[/color] [hider=Translations]Dans la rue = In the road Ma sœeur, Alisanne...Elle saurait qu'est-ce que c'est... = My sister, Alisanne...She would know what this is... la mafia française = the French mafia Amélie, Lana, je suis dans la mafia française = Amelia, Lana, I am in the French mafia Courez. Ils me veulent. = Run. They want me. Lisez ça = Read this Ton français occasionne mes oreille saignent = Your French makes my ears bleed.[/hider]