W.I.P [hider=Solsys Network] Name of nation: Solsys Network Species: The Solsys network originated on Earth/Terra and has a large amount of terran derived population. The Solsys network is a technologically advanced nation that wholly embraces cybernetics, AI and to a lesser extent genetic engineering, The difference between "AI" and "Human" is blurred with the Solsys network as most members are cybernetic lifeforms or fully digital. As the Solsys Network had its beginnings on earth the majority of them are at least based on humans Neurologically. Description of government: The Solsys network is a sentient social network capable of making decisions based on the will of the people but also not a complete "slave" to mob rule. The Network is distributed throughout Solsys explored space and different "nodes" have some degree of independence. Reputation plays a major role in Network politics and economy, those with a positive reputation tend to get more support and thus greater access to resources. Those who manage to piss enough people off enough might hit rock bottom. Any conceivable thing can gain reputation. Generally, Higher Reputation entities are trusted more so that when they give someone rep the rep means more. Description of military: PMC Overwatch: Many Private military Contractors exist throughout Networked space, Protecting employers assets in exchange for sweet sweet reputation. Overwatch exists to police them, those PMCs who join overwatch are given better equipment and are generally better trusted due to the codes they have to follow. PMCs are still largely given freedom of who they work for but "Using force to acquire Reputation" is strictly forbidden. If the need among the network is high enough, Overwatch may organize PMCs into a true military to deal with threats to the Network as a whole. CommGuard: Commguard is a paramilitary organization who dedicate themselves to defense of Interstellar communication and trade. In a society such as the Solsys network this job is considered of utmost importance. Commguard Security forces defend planetside communications equipment while in space they command fleets of escort ships to protect wormholes and traders. Technological Overview: (WIP for now) Cultural Overview: The Solsys is fairly multi-cultural however some ideologies have become more common, in general most members of the network are accepting of augmentation technology. Over the years the network has become more focused on information rather than physical objects. (WIP) History: (WIP till Terran Union posts) The Solsys network traces its routes back to ancient Social media on earth, Early human AIs started to gain some rights through "Legal Shenanigans" one of these AIs was originally tasked with being a social network. This network gained a massive amount of followers becoming the dominant social network in the west. As the old government of the United States began to crumble from corruption and attempts to correct the corruption The Network remained. Under a new reputation based economy the corporate landscape underwent major changes, some old companies could no longer survive while others thrived. Eventually the network spread to the SpaceX mars colony and eventually the entire solar system becoming the "Solsys Network" While having vast ideological differences with the Terran Union the Solsys network was its ally during the war against Fascism in Europe, The Solsys network and Terran Union still have qualms with one-another but very rarely openly fight, often working with one-another. The Solsys Network created a large interstellar communication network using wormholes that allows FTL communication between Systems close to earth, they plan on expanding coverage whenever possible, The Commguard protects these wormholes to ensure they are not sabotaged by hostile forces. Other: [/hider]