[h3][color=00a651]Meirin Kurenai[/color][/h3] [color=00a651]"Eat a horse? Hoofs an all?"[/color] Meirin teased Lyn. If Meirin knew that Lyn was going to come to breakfast Meirin would have saved her something good to eat. Lyn and her mother both seemed too like their meat rare, if not raw, and Meirin actually knew a few meals with raw meat. They were very rare delicacies that Meirin only ate on very special occasions back at the monastery, typically things like marriage or death. However Meirin has had a hard time getting the proper ingredients as well as practice making the dish. [color=00a651]"You must have trained very hard to work up such an appetite Lyn. I hope you gave Tyrael a good fight!"[/color] Meirin glanced at the demonomancer, mostly to see his wounds. She noticed the bandages on his feet and one one his thigh. Meirin never had the chance to fight Tyrael herself, not out of fear but time. As much as she hated Tyrael, she wasn't going to waste her life hounding him. That being said, ever since his stunt in the catacombs Meirin couldn't help but plot how to defeat him. Normally she would never plan to do harm to a teacher, even if she doesn't like them, but Tyrael was far too wild for Meirin's taste. Even Lucilia was at least beholden to Khan and the others. Ignoring him, Meirin wanted to focus more on Lyn. When Lyn asked about who to contact about the Djarkel Mission, Meirin was somewhat confused. She didn't know that Lyn was going to come, and she wasn't even sure if the girl could come. Last time Lyn sneaked onto their mission because of Lucilia, though this time Lyn was practically an adult both mentally and physically. But Meirin still remembered barely half a month ago the little girl who still struggled to speak or eat large pieces of meat. Meirin still remembered that same little girl nearly falling to her death over a bridge, or nearly killing herself using her own mageblood. Everyone kept saying that Lyn was an adult, but to Meirin Lyn was just a kid. And Meirin didn't want to see anymore children die. [color=00a651]"I... We... You're going on the Djarkel Mission, Lyn? We're not heading up there for fun and games. We're heading to Djarkel on a diplomatic mission to make sure the college's allies are okay. It might not be as dangerous as the caravan mission, but it is Djarkel. Djarkel is always dangerous. Not only that, but because it's a diplomatic mission just being strong won't be enough. You have to be smart and good with words. We'll be talking to some very important people, and we have to be on our best behavior. Not only do we have to make sure we look good, but we have to make the college look good too."[/color] Meirin tried to subtly dissuade Lyn from going on this mission. She didn't want to tell Lyn outright that she shouldn't go, but Meirin was concerned that maybe Lyn wasn't ready for a mission yet. She was barely a year old; how is she suppose to keep up with court intrigue and general Djarkel politics? Did Lyn even know what politics are? [color=00a651]"Do you think you can handle all of that? Not only could there be fighting, but we have to talk to people and make them happy too. We have to be very careful about what we say or else we could lose our friends."[/color]