[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3GTbMEV.png[/img][/center][sub][@Ellion][@Gisk][/sub][hr][hr] Shrugging, Zoey brushed it off. "Well, it doesn't look like an alien invasion," Zoey flagged it off as she finished wrapping the bandages around Maren's foot, and put medical tape around it so it doesn't come off. When she was finished, she laughed as she put everything back in the first aid kit. Zoey leaned back in her chair with her arms behind her head. "There, sweetheart. Need me to kiss it?" She teased. Her attention, however, was directed towards Tweedle-Dee, and Tweedle-Dum. They were mumbling about [i]something[/i] and their tone told Zoey it wasn't good. Given how they asked about Audrey, Zoey guessed that it had something to do with her. Jesus. She just [i]had[/i] to roll her eyes up into her head when she realized that Audrey caused them trouble yet again. They left soon after, without any coffee. That was a plus for Zoey because she didn't have to make no coffee for those nasty-ass, wannabe, biker losers. "Alright, then, see ya's." Zoey shrugged as they walked out. This probably had something to do with Audrey, but far as Zoey was concerned, it ain't her problem! Since Maren was polite enough to pay up for the coffee Zoey asked for, Zoey was polite enough to go in the back to get the coffee for her. First, she was going to put this dollar in the cashier, "Actually, I wonder if this is how the Canadians pay for their medical care. Like I know they don't have to pay [i]money[/i] for medical care, but what if they actually give the doctors a glass jug full of maple syru-" Her rambling was interrupted however. Interrupted by the most curious of incidents. When she touched the cash register, the whole damn thing fried! An electricity traveled from outside of her finger, and the whole thing damn near exploded! There was a massive burn mark on it. Zoey stepped back with her hands up. "Oh God damn it!" Zoey hissed. "The MacGraths are going to take this shit outta' my paycheck, and you know I don't make a lot of money as a friggin' barista-" The bell over the door rung and it was enough to tell Zoey that they have [i]more[/i] visitors. Well, this night's turnin' out to be pretty exciting because first Maren comes in after suffering a horrible skinny dipping accident, she had a close encounter with Tweedle-Dee, and Tweedle Dum, and then- It's Audrey. Zoey rolled her eyes. To put it lightly, Zoey did [i]not[/i] think too kindly of Audrey. Given that the girl picked fights with Zoey and some of her friends for the [i]dumbest[/i] things, and generally being a pain in the ass. Audrey probably did something to piss off the twins, and that's why they came running up in here like they were going to find her. Well, if Audrey had come sooner, then yeah. But, that isn't the point. Zoey crossed her arms. "Yeah, your boys came runnin' up in here lookin' for you," Zoey said with a hint of venom in her voice. "So, what'd the great [i]Audrey[/i] pull off this time? Probably the usual."