After mulling over the masked woman's words Jacque, now content with the answers he'd received, decided to focus on the group as they decided to figure out what to do next. Everyone thus far seemed to have something interesting going for them. As he stifled a chuckle Jacque couldn't help but admit that things things were shaping up to be quite interesting, and the bokor soon found himself having to fight to stifle his burning desire to share about himself much to the chagrin of his guest. The frustration he felt at being told began manifesting itself in Jacque's sudden compulsion to softly scratch at a spot just behind his left ear. '[i][color=00746b]I need to let 'em know what I can do.[/color][/i]' '[i][color=1a7b30]Why not wait to see what they come up with first?[/color][/i]', '[i][color=00746b]I wanna talk, it's rude to just stand here and gawk at folks y'know. Besides, if we're gonna be a team then I need to give these guys something to work with.[/color][/i]' '[i][color=1a7b30]I don't like this.[/color][/i]' '[i][color=00746b] I trusted you friend, now trust me.[/color][/i]'. There was a hissing sound in the back of Jacque's mind, one that he swore sounded more like an aggravated sigh than an actual hiss, '[i][color=1a7b30]At least leave your real name a secret for now.[/color][/i]' the loa said before the noise and the prickling sensation dissipated. With the noise gone Jacque ceased his scratching and clucked his tongue softly. Leave out his real name? A bit rude, but a simple enough request he supposed. With nothing more to distract him Jacque coughed to catch the other's attention once more, "[b][color=00746b]Well if we're going to focus on a plan then I guess now's a good time to share what I can do.[/color][/b]" he said, half expecting the noises to start back up again. When none came Jacque saw fit to continue, "[b][color=00746b]I'm a bokor. To those of you unaware as to what that is, basically it means that i'm a practitioner of the voodoo arts; a priest if you would. Or a witch or warlock, i'm not picky about titles. The point is that like our infernal friend over there I can use magic, though i'm still a bit new to it all so i'm not as diverse in terms of what I can and can't do. Rituals, healing magic, potion brewing, i'm your man, but my real bread in butter is smoke and earth magic.[/color][/b]" He stated, punctuating his statement with a soft yellow glow from his eyes. He'd listened and observed, now it was time to put what he'd learned from the group thus far to work. As a plan started to piece itself together in his head he looked to Jacklyn first, "[b][color=00746b] With a name like "Shadow Ninja" i'm guessing you're quick and stealthy. You could maybe scout ahead on the ground below and take out enemy scouts n' stragglers.[/color][/b]", he pointed Hoverfly next "[b][color=00746b]You said you could fly-[/color][/b]" he stated before his eyes darted to Nevan "[b][color=00746b]-and unless those wings are for show then i'm guessing you can too. You two could be our eyes in the sky, compensating for anything Jacklyn might miss on the ground level. Maybe pick off some scouts n' stragglers too.[/color][/b]". He turned to the second Chris, drawing a blank for a few seconds as to what he could do until an idea hit him, "[b][color=00746b]You're smart, right? Maybe you could sabotage anything that you think would really screw 'em up? Lights, machinery, whatever. Maybe find a list or two to see who this guy was selling to while you're at it.[/color][/b]". Finally he turned his attention to Luna, Joshua, and Firefly "[b][color=00746b]As for the four of us, we could run crowd control after getting the green light from our scouts. We could maybe corral 'em with our elemental abilities; water at their backs, earth at their fronts, fire at their sides. Once they're trapped in then we can work at disorienting 'em. The fire would give me plenty of smoke to work with, and if we added that to Luna's illusions we could disorient 'em enough for everyone to swoop in and take 'em down without too much effort or blood shed.[/color][/b]" He allowed the group to digest his words a bit before he remembered he'd still failed to actually introduce himself, "[b][color=00746b]Y'all can call me "Simbi" by the way. I'll save my real name for when we're all a bit more used to one another.[/color][/b]".