(Collab between Double and Arty Fox) Cheese felt herself being snapped, pulled, twisted. Finally, her ears popped. Cheese hung onto the Snipers back legs were knotted around the Snipers torso and an arm locked around their neck. The two struggled almost silently for a moment. The sniper had an iron grip around her other hand with dripping red nails. Cheese shrieked, a shard of pain exploding from her back. Her grip now loosened the sniper pulled her off their back and over the shoulder. Cheese landed heavily on her back without even air to shout when another bolt was fired into her. - That one shot alerted the dozens of other Snipers. Some of them moved in slowly, while others began shifting their bodies into crossbow form. Hearing no orders from their commander, the Snipers were acting on a combination of their instinct and basic training. Even so, volleys of shots from this many of them could spell the end for anyone. Fortunate, then, that a familiar chuckle halted their actions. Seth, only just now awakening from his brief moments of unconsciousness, was staring up at the nonexistent sky. Their commander awake again, the Snipers now defaulted to their standby, and quietly awaited orders. "Did someone... actually [i]follow me here[/i]?" it didn't take the Nobody long to notice the cluster of gathering Snipers and so he slowly pushed himself to his feet and hobbled over to investigate. It was... Cheese? Somehow, the fairy managed to follow Seth and the Snipers to the Realm of Darkness, "You... probably shouldn't have followed me, y'know? This is the [i]Realm of Darkness[/i], where all the Heartless come from. People with hearts shouldn't come here if they value their humanity." even so, he waved away the Snipers that surrounded her, and they disappeared to patrol elsewhere. - Her mind ticked over once, twice, and then finally a third time. Finally, as she lay sprawled against the dark ground, Cheese understood the situation clearly. “These useless pricks work for you don’t they?” She took a shaky breath, swore, and then pushed herself into a sitting position. “I’d fire them and get some who actually think.” Cheese hissed when her back and stomach protested painfully to the movement, but ultimately ignored them to get a good look at her surroundings. To her left there was darkness, and the same to her right, that hid the landscape almost completely and above there was…nothing. Cheese lost herself gaze upwards at the nothingness trying to drink in what was simply not there. “Mac told me to work with you lot, keep you safe and all that.” Cheese tried to shrug and received another jolt of pain for her efforts. “Wouldn’t worry too much about the darkness, I’m not human anyway.” Still Cheese felt an uncomfortable chill down her spine that made her think of a carriage on the underground; like an imminent danger was just a mere breath away, a small stumble and she’d have one of the hand rails burning through her flesh. Cheese felt a headache beginning to form making every beat of her heart pound painfully against her skull. “Does that mean that the Heartless are all around us?” She asked, not quite sure if she use her magic just yet. - A smirk from Seth, "These guys are lesser Nobodies - in other words - not quite the same level as Tocsax and me." he said with a wink, "They're usually pretty feral on their own, acting on nothing else but instinct. But they'll follow the orders of a higher ranking Nobody like myself," it'd been awhile since Seth explained how his kind works, but thankfully his memory wasn't failing him, "and trust me: [i]my[/i] Snipers are the best of their kind. When they act on their own, Snipers appear in their default form and have to take time to charge their shots or shift into their larger crossbow forms. But I went to the trouble of [i]training[/i] mine to appear only after they've shifted or charged their shots. Get what I'm saying?" he finished with a grin, "Anyway, that rock formation is a bit more comfortable to sit near, you'll have something to recline against." he gestured to the spot he hobbled from. At this he got the fairy on her feet. Both of them were pretty wrecked, but together they made it to the rocks just fine, "To answer your question about the Heartless... in short, yep." as if to prove a point he gestured to the areas around him, "Listen real close, and you'll hear just how [i]not useless[/i] my guys are." true to his word, by listening carefully they could hear the faint sounds of Snipers taking shots and the even fainter sound of Heartless dissipating. Seth's Snipers were effectively creating a perimeter around them and picking off any Heartless that came close. Of course, given Cheese's presence here that meant more Heartless than usual would be attracted to their location, but Seth wasn't lying when he said that [i]his[/i] Snipers were the best of their kind. "Oh, by the way..." Seth added, with a chuckle, "...being a human isn't what I meant by humanity. You've got a Heart, and that's all the Heartless care about. I'd stick near me if I were you. Soon enough I'll be able to open up a Corridor to get us out of here. Best not to wander off, I think." he flashed his usual grin. - “S’pose they’re not entirely useless.” Cheese fell heavily to the ground, leaning against the rock she cracked a grin of her own. “Though they wouldn’t get rated very highly were I’m from, need more than just some fancy skills and flashy attacks.” There was a ringing in her ears now that made her grin waver. Cheese knew she was too far away from Mac, she could feel the magic chains clawing unseen beneath her skin. However, the sensation she was feeling now was different than she was used to; normally when she was too far (normally around a mile or so most days) the chains pulled her in one direction. But this time she felt herself being pulled in every direction. Her nails wanted to wanted to go upward while her ribs tugged to her left. Cheese supposed it was because she was now in an entirely different world. Cheese reapplied her sultry smile with a steadying breath. “I could speed things up for you, but I am going to want something in return.” Here Cheese decided a demonstration was in order. She tugged and pulled at the magic around her and let it flow down through her arms to her hands. Her eyes shone violet and an ethereal green glow grew out from her hands. Then, breathing deeply, she placed her hands onto the wounds on her abdomen. The burning red skin returned to its previous colour and the bloodied hole knitted themselves closed. Within half a minute there was barely a hint that there had even been any wounds on Cheeses stomach and back. “I can do the same for your wounds, and give a bit of energy too if you need it.” She looked at him. “All I want are your memories of your home world. Failing that though I suppose a favour of my choosing would be… acceptable.” Her smile wavered again, the thundering headache refusing to be ignored. - Seth could only offer her his usual, "Welp, have [i]you[/i] ever trained a legion of creatures who can't exactly think for themselves? I'd say I did a pretty good job with what I had available to me," a wink, "all things considered." The fairy demonstrated her healing ability. At least, it looked like some kind of healing magic. In any case her wounds were gone and all that seemed to be left was an inherent soreness of some kind. She offered to do the same for Seth, who really only could shrug in response. "Some healing in exchange for my memories of home? I mean, I guess I could do that..." He didn't know if she would heal him first or scan his memory first, either way the result was the same. There was actually only [i]one[/i] available memory for the fairy's perusal. It was a memory of a certain stormy night, wherein a young boy in a blue hoodie found themselves staring down the barrels of a firing squad, armed only with a shoddy gun and standing among a few other dead bodies around. Just when the firing squad opened fire, that was when it went blank. There was nothing else before it, and the memories after were all completely irrelevant as they only involved Seth traveling world to world and occasionally finding himself lounging about at a certain diner run by a certain moogle. Oh, and Seth seemed to be running a perpetually unpayable tab there. Whatever the case, once the healing was applied, Seth grinned at the fairy, "Ready to go back?" he... didn't exactly give her time to respond. He just threw open a Corridor of Darkness on top of them, similarly to how he previously escaped from Hakim. The Corridor would, naturally, drop them back into the pyramid. Like, [i]literally[/i] dropped, "Oof... welp, that may have been a bit bumpier than I intended, but hey, we're back in one piece right?" finally, he chuckled.